Unique Health & Fitness Choices for Seniors of Both Sexes

Aging as we have known it previously is changing. As an increasing number of baby boomers reach retirement age and become known as seniors, the age group of 55 and older are more active than ever before. No longer is the aging process a stage where one stops having fun and watches their life go by. Activities abound for both sexes and offer a variety of unique health and fitness choices that can stimulate the mind, body, and soul of anyone so inclined. With more and more aging baby boomers (seniors) living in retirement communities, they must be entertained and stimulated. If a senior is not living in a community, there are still a multitude of unique health and fitness activities available that provide both entertainment and enrichment value. And, do not forget the benefit of over 55�.senior discounts! Let us explore some.

Each city has a community center affiliated with the local Parks and Recreation Department that conducts adult education classes. These classes are meant to stimulate, enlighten and enhance the skill set of the students of all ages. Some classes are geared towards seniors, just check out the class descriptions. At an affordable rate, one can learn how to use the computer, learn new software, pick up a new hobby – amongst other options available. It is never to late to learn something new. Besides learning something new, there also are many unique health and fitness senior oriented group outings offered. These classes are a great way to use the skills you just learned or to simply enjoy companionship on an excursion.

Another area where one can get involved and experience new things is at the local senior center. In addition to providing a networking opportunities, one can volunteer here and help out the Center. Volunteers are usually needed for the newsletter, organizing events, maintaining the center, and simply to answer the phones. Senior centers offer a variety of classes and events for members to enjoy. They are a great place to go and experience new things while also making friends of both sexes..

Speaking of volunteering, this is the perfect way for a senior to enrich their life. Age and sex are irrelevant. It is always said that when one gives, they receive back twofold. That is true. Volunteering is a wonderful way to help those less fortunate, help out nonprofit organizations with a worthy goal, or help in a variety of ways. Find out what your passion is and do research into how to turn that passion into helping others. Use your unique skills to benefit others. You will not regret it.

The local hospitals usually offer classes/seminars that are available to all age groups at various times and dates. Proper health and fitness of both sexes is always encouraged , and a wealth of information is available here. These classes are either free or a nominal charge is made. In addition to classes, workshops are offered throughout the year. Those are a great way to pick up literature, learn new things, become enlightened, while also networking. Health fairs offer a variety of testing at nominal prices. These events are great ways for seniors to learn about unique health issues. They also are ways for seniors to learn of better ways to take care of themselves.

If staying at home while learning is more your cup of tea, there are a multitude of online classes available to choose from. For instance, AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) offers online classes to enrich members’ lives. Call your local chapter. Or, call AARP’s national toll free number at 800-424-3410. You can also visit them online at www.aarp.org. for more information. Elderhosteling (for seniors over 55) also offers online classes and is mentioned below. For more choices, simply perform an online search of ‘online classes’. You will be amazed at the results. Columbia University, Phoenix University, etc. all offer online classes to make live easier for all their students – i.e. Keeping one’s mind active is a wonderful way for seniors to take part in unique health and fitness activities.

For the craft minded, fabric shops, bead shops, and knitting shops usually offer unique classes throughout the month. This is a great way to make gifts and also enjoy the camaraderie of other students of all ages. Both sexes can enjoy these creative classes. If quilting is your interest, there usually is a local quilting club looking for members. And, who knows, you may enjoy your craft so much, you start selling at your local arts & craft fair. Many a ‘retired’ person has done well doing this in their senior years!

Speaking of clubs, there is a variety available to satisfy all age groups and sexes, including seniors. Whatever one’s interest is, there is bound to be someone else interested who has started a group. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce. Read your local paper for current events. Meetings are usually listed along with any group description. Each club has a mission, find the one that suits you, and enjoy! Networking, community involvement, exploration – there is a club somewhere that is looking for you.

For those seniors seeking enrichment through the arts – there usually are local venues that offer fantastic prices. Sometimes a collaborative of artists will hold an art show for a fee. Art galleries are free, one can meet local artists, and become enlightened to the local creativity. It is impressive. Perusing art galleries is a wonderfully unique way to increase your health and fitness. It stimulates your mental health and enjoyment, while also increasing your physical fitness by walking. Woohoo!

The local community theatre offers a variety of plays, musicals, and comedies throughout the year. Simply check with your Chamber of Commerce or your newspaper. Prices are cheaper than at the larger regional theatres, and venues usually offer senior discounts.

If music is your cup of tea, for no or little charge, seniors and the general public can enjoy the local junior and/or high school band. These individuals study hard, practice hard, and love to entertain. It is refreshing to see future musicians. On a professional level, local and regional symphonies provide year round entertainment at affordable prices.

Spring and summer bring a multitude of outdoor concerts, parades, festivals, and just all around delight in being outdoors. What a fun way for seniors and others to enjoy the outdoors while also experiencing new things. Bring sure to bring your chair for more events, though. Plus, they are usually free. Great entertainment, possible fitness activities, and increased mental health – what a great deal for both sexes.

Seniors can find enrichment by traveling more and experiencing new sites. Various packages and events are scheduled throughout the year at both community centers, senior centers, and independent organizations. Depending on what one desires, everything from day trips to a multi-day excursion are available. Many are devoted to health and fitness as their theme. What is particularly fun are the dinner trains and/or murder mystery trips. Of course, prices vary.

Elderhostels are perfect for aging baby boomers (seniors) over 55 of both sexes who want to travel in a group and experience new locations. Hostels are known as the budget travelers way of experiencing the world. Hostels, in general, are open to all age groups, but the Elderhostels concentrate on those in their senior years. It is a perfect way to learn new skills, meet new friends, and enjoy. Many concentrate on health and fitness issues and education. Elderhostels are found in over 100 countries worldwide and offer thousands of programs a year. They also provide online courses in science/technology, history and cultural, plus many more. Programs usually are all inclusive and even include insurance coverage. Visit their website at www.elderhostel.org for more information. Or, call them at 877-426-8056. Elderhosteling is a very popular way for seniors to experience the world.

There are a variety of ways to be experience unique health and fitness choices for both sexes that are not touched in this article. Learn something new, gain new experiences, and meet new people. All these and more, are great ways for seniors to lead a more healthy, fulfilling, and fit life.

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