Unique and Unconventional Headboard Ideas

A good nights sleep starts with creating the right environment. Surround yourself with the things you love that give you that cozy feeling. Soon you’ll be floating into dreamland. Your headboard can be one of those things. The headboard is the focal point of the bedroom. Use your headboard to make a statement about who you are or to tie the design of the room together. A headboard doesn’t have to be a big hunk of plain finished wood at the head of your bed. It can be anything you want it to be. Let’s use our imagination to come up with some unique, unusual and unconventional headboard designs.

Give your budding astronomer sweet dreams under a starry night sky.

Paint colorful stars in random patterns behind the bed. Extend them in a wispy line up to the ceiling where they bloom into a sea of shimmering space. Use acrylic paint and stencils from a craft store. Finish each star off with a spray of glitter or glow in the dark paint. Use both if you like. Suspend hand painted Styrofoam planets and other heavenly bodies from the ceiling using ceiling hooks for a 3-D look.

Mirrors create a wonderful headboard.

They literally reflect the design of the room. Use them in a variety of ways. Mount one large mirror centered as a Headboard, or use many mirrors. Scatter them in a random pattern or specific shape. The nicest thing about mirrors is they make small rooms look larger.

Fabric adds a nice touch to the head of your bed.

Install a curtain rod at the head of the bed. Use the type that extends out from the wall. Now you can drape just about anything from the rod. Try a flag, banner, or tapestry for a different look. Add to the look by installing ceiling hooks or additional rods around the bed. Suspend them from the ceiling. Drape silky or velvety fabric all around in random patterns. Sleep like a king or queen surrounded by velvet.

Use your friends and family as a headboard.

You know they’re on your mind at the end of the day anyway. Create a photo collage headboard. Use one large frame or many small ones in a squared off or rounded pattern. Mount on the wall as you would any photo frame.

Create a giant mural as a headboard.

Many craft stores carry mural designs or you can use your own ideas. Try adding embellishments to bring texture to your artwork. Add items such as shells, small rocks, or marbles to “color” your mural. A mural doesn’t have to be an artist’s rendering. It can simply be a collection of favorite objects.

Try scattering small shelves at the head of your bed.

Create a nick-knack display headboard. Theme your nick-knacks to fit the design of the room. Use a book collection, pottery or whatever suits your personality to fill your headboard shelves.

Give yourself sweet dreams.

Suspend flat dream catchers from small hooks on the wall at the head of your bed. Hang others from the ceiling to liven up the look. Use southwestern blankets as spreads. Hang a couple extra blankets at the end of the bed on a standing quilt rack as a foot board.

Imagine sleeping in a beautiful summer garden.

Buy a ready made section of picket fence at your local home and garden store. Paint it white. Stencil on some pretty flowers and vines with craft paint. Hang it securely on the wall as a headboard. Scatter sconces with dried flowers around your room. Use pretty flowered quilts for bedding. Use white flowing material as a window treatment. Add a painted white wooden beach chair with lots of pretty pillows. Relax and let the summer breeze float you away.

How about a quick fabric headboard?

This headboard can be adopted to any theme. Purchase a large canvas frame from a craft or art store. Stretch a piece of patterned fabric in your theme over the canvas. Staple it to the back of the frame. Hang it over your bed as is or have it framed.

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