Vertigo: Causes and Treatments

Vertigo is actually a fairly common condition that leaves many sufferers confused as to what they are feeling. Because vertigo initiates several different degrees of dizziness and nausea, it can be construed as something else or otherwise misdiagnosed. The primary symptoms of vertigo are dizziness, loss of balance, inability to remain standing and nausea.

It can be confusing because these symptoms can also be related to other diseases and disorders

Vertigo, in its traditional form, is characterized by a singularly strange dizziness that is usually found in conjunction with movement hallucination. This is typical caused by a peripheral disorder such as benign positional vertigo, which can result in tinnitus and loss of hearing. It may seem like the floor, the walls and the world around you is moving every which way, which may result in vomiting.

In rare cases, vertigo sufferers may also experience to involuntary eye movement. Most vertigo episodes last for fewer than three days, though they can sometimes continue for periods lasting longer than a month.

There are several different possible causes for vertigo, some of which are physical, while others are psychological. The most highly documented cause of vertigo is Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo, or BPPV. This disease affects the inner ear, and may be preceded by an upper respiratory infection or a sharp blow to the skull. BPPV is caused by a dislodgement of structures in the inner ear balance detectors, which will cause dizziness and loss of balance. Episodes of BPPV will last from 30-45 seconds, and can be reduced by avoiding bodily positions that induce vertigo.

The second leading cause of vertigo is labyrinthiitis, which is another condition of the ear, and is brought on by inflammation and minor nerve damage, which will inevitably lead to vertigo. Vertigo can also be a symptom of several more serious diseases, such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and neurological disorders. Migraines and tension headaches have also been known to induce vertigo, though in much fewer instances.

Currently, we have no treatment for vertigo, but research is progressing on a daily basis. There are a few rehabilitative therapies that have been successfully used to control vertigo, such as vestibular rehabilitation therapy, but this will not stop all cases of vertigo from happening. Avoiding certain positions, examining all prescription medication and keeping a vertigo journal will help your doctor to design a possible treatment for you.

It is important to record every instance of vertigo and to talk to your doctor about it as soon as possible. Since vertigo can be a symptom of an underlying disease, it is best to rule out all of the possible causes. In some cases, vertigo will be an isolated incident, requiring no further investigation, but maintaining awareness of your current state of health should be a top priority.

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