Weathered Deck Repair

After only a few years, decks and patios may begin to look weathered and old. Since they are constantly exposed to the elements, it does not take long for even the most well constructed deck or patio to take on a less than appealing look. With a little bit of elbow grease and some simple supplies, it is not too difficult to turn a weathered deck into a beautiful home addition again.

First, the deck must be cleaned. This involves some serious scrubbing and a lot of work, but the advantage is that even this step can make a deck that much more attractive, and you can get your kids to help with the first steps to this. Sweep and remove debris from anywhere you can reach, including the cracks and corners. The more thoroughly you complete this step, the easier later ones will be. Next, remove any stains with a commercial deck cleaning solution. These solutions often include harsh chemicals; particularly bleach, so it’s important that you’re in a well-ventilated area. This is easy enough on an open-air deck, but make sure to open any doors and windows to the outside if you’re using the cleaner on a covered patio. It may help to use a fan. Use a harsh bristled brush for this step and get up as much of the stain as you can.

If your deck has had some sort of damage, including termites or weather damage, remove boards or rails that have rotted and replace them. Boards are easily purchased at any home improvement store. Make sure that your new wood matches the wood initially on your deck, even though it will not look precisely the same at first.

Hammer in any loose nails. Sand any rough areas on your new boards (or your old boards, if this wasn’t done initially) and remove any stain left on your deck. You can rent a floor sander at a home improvement store, or you can use a belt sander if you are only focusing on key areas. This is necessary to provide a consistent coat of stain to your deck when you are finished, so do not skimp on this step. Rough spots will “hold” stain and cause a darker appearance, and covering up old stain doesn’t work very well. Make sure you follow good sanding procedure.

At this stage, your deck probably looks a great deal better than it did just a few days (or weeks, as the case may be) ago. However, it will not last. You have a number of options available to you to make sure that your deck stays at this level for the longest possible amount of time. You can use a deck brightener, available at the home improvement store, sealer or stain. All of these can be purchased at a home improvement store, and the instructions for use vary widely based on the type you use and your specific needs.

A brightener will take what is already there and make it stand out. This will make your deck appear more like new, but will not cover up any flaws significantly.

A sealer will ensure that the elements do not affect your deck so significantly. They are usually quite easy to apply. These do not change your deck’s appearance, so are best used for ones that already look pretty good.

Stains come in either semi-transparent (which functions much like a sealer, but enhances the wood just a bit) or solid (which covers up the wood color and is a bit like painting it).

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