What Are the Most Important Custom Web Design Features for a Law Firm?

In the competitive world of law firms, custom web design is going to be an essential step in designing a website that stands out over others. There might be a temptation to want to go with a cookie-cutter style to save money, even if the website design might look overly familiar with dozens of other, unrelated sites. When that happens, the unique branding of the law firm can’t be distinguished as easily as it should be.

Despite custom design being important to bringing a unique identity, you still need to employ some customized basics in order to be taken seriously. Once you do, you’ll be able to impress prospective clients who now go by online reputation more than ever in making important decisions.

Reflecting Your Brand

While this can be dependent on what your basic style is, you need to design your site in a way that’s reflective of what you do. For a law office dealing with serious legal issues, consider your design being a combination of class and conservatism, along with highlighting the strengths of your firm.

Many design firms help design logos that can be employed into the website branding aspect. In some cases that involves picking a suitable font for the law firm’s name. Or, it could be a graphic representing the meaning behind the law firm’s legal aims. The most important thing is to make the logo look serious and not tongue in cheek. No law firm will be taken seriously in the website branding if it isn’t done in a studious and genuine way.

Using Multimedia

Employing videos of your legal team with extensive photos helps make your website more of a personal experience. Especially when you have videos of your legal team talking directly to prospective clients, it removes any disconnect by immediately connecting with the lawyers. The same applies to high-definition photos showing portraits of your legal team or of important legal events. Even pictures or videos of your team winning high-profile cases from the recent past will ensure immediate response from others wanting similar justice.

Creating Elaborate Profiles of the Lawyers

While videos can show your legal team in live action form, creating elaborate profiles for each lawyer is also essential so readers can learn about each of their backgrounds. In an age of personalization being a newly important business tactic, the more clients know about each lawyer, the better in determining which one is the most suitable. Those profiles should include education history, cases they’ve worked on, and basic philosophy on their respective legal field.

Getting Optimized for Mobile

There isn’t anything more important when customizing a website for a law firm than making it workable for mobile devices. Law firms may end up being the most sought after webpages on mobile in the future, especially after car accidents occur. You want your site to be easily accessible on smartphones, and that might mean creating a separate design that’s pared down to avoid lags in download time.

On top of it all, you should make your law firm easy for prospective clients to contact you on mobile. Placing immediate contact information on your main page will bring you a flood of business for those who want immediate legal representation after something happens while on the go.

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