What Everyone Ought to Know About Diabetes

Diabetes results when one’s body can no longer normally regulate the amount of insulin in their system. When this happens, a person’s blood sugar levels can rise and they will need to take insulin injections or other diabetes medication to keep these levels under control.

This condition may be the product of a variety of factors, including:

– Family history
– Dietary habits, such as eating an overload of sugar and carbohydrates
– Being overweight and having an unhealthy Body Mass Index
– Not getting enough daily exercise or activity

Although some people have little control over preventing diabetes, due to a strong family history, others have all the control, since they have gained their condition from poor nutrition habits and a lack of physical activity.

This is by far the most common way that those who do not have a family history of diabetes develop the illness, which is unnecessary since it is 100% avoidable for this group of individuals.

Overtime, these factors play a role in restricting your body’s ability to produce enough insulin on its own, because your system will now require more insulin than it can effectively make due to insulin resistance.

In a healthy person, the body takes sugar that has been obtained through diet and metabolizes it into energy so that you can stay awake throughout the day and go about your normal activities.

In those with diabetes, however, insulin resistance traps the sugar into your bloodstream, since it can longer be pushed into your cells, instead of allowing it to be metabolized into energy.

This not only has an affect on your overall health but on your daily life as well, since those with diabetes often find themselves too tired and fatigued to live life as they normally would.

This may be a double whammy since it is necessary to live an active lifestyle, paired with good nutrition habits, to help reduce your weight and the risk factors of your disease. They may find themselves too exhausted and drained to do what is necessary to improve their condition.

What it comes down to is that you must help your body become less insulin resistant so that it can effectively remove sugar out of your bloodstream and enable it to be metabolized into energy, as it should be, so that you can live an active lifestyle.

To do this, you need to identify and modify habits that may be hindering the positive progress of your condition and allowing you to become dependant on medication and drugs, instead of tackling the problem from a nutrition and lifestyle perspective.

It is necessary to look at your diabetes from this perspective to enable you to get to the source of the problem and begin to eliminate your need for medication and drugs. Otherwise, as we will see later, you may be unknowingly doing yourself even more harm. Unfortunately, you may not realize and feel the effects of this undue harm until much later in life, when it is too late.

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