Where to Get Free Online Homework Help

Are you, or your children, having trouble with homework such as understanding math, or finding a good idea for a science project? There is help available for free on the internet. Some of the sites are focused on one subject, while the others have information on all subjects. So, don’t let a problem get in your way. Use all the resources at your command. You can solve the problem, as long as you keep at it, don’t give up I hope these sites will be the ones to give you that extra boost you need. Good luck and happy studying.

Math. com Free Online Homework Help
Math.com has section on every type of math from basic math to calculus. The site is very easy to use, with all the subjects organized. You can find what you are looking for instantly I did a search on algebra and found sections on The Language of Algebra, The Basics of Algebra, Equations and Inequalities, Graphing Equations and Inequalities. Each one of theses section has its own quiz. The lessons are explained very clearly and if you just follow along, you will understand. The other sections are just as well done.

Your Homework.com Free Online Homework Help
Your Homework.com has help for every grade from Kindergarten to grade 12 and beyond Go to the students and parents link and click on homework help. You go to page where you can select what you want by grade subject or both or just do a regular search. You get pages put up by teachers with their favorite sites. For instance a search for 12 grade math produced 318 results. As you can see, this is a big site with lots of information.

Infoplease Free Online Homework Help
Infoplease has articles on practically anything you can come up with. Need to do a biography? They have more than 30,000. You can search by name or by category. Go to the homework center link and click on the language arts link and just take a look at the amount of information available. It is like that in all the categories. Take a look at the Tools for Schools section for some freebies you will need and look at the flash cards. Give yourself a test and see how good you can do.

Algebra.com Free Online Homework Help
Algebra.com is not just algebra. They have homework help and free tutors for Pre-algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and Physics. Click on any one of the subjects and just take a look at the different sections. They cover everything. You are allowed to submit up to six questions a day. .

Homework Spot Free Online Homework Help

Homework Spot has sections for Elementary, Middle and High School. Each section will take you to web pages related to your search. For instance I clicked on astronomy and got a list of pages including NASA They also have informative articles on the first page.

National Geographic Free Online Homework Help

National Geographic focuses on history and science Click on a title and you go to a National Geographic article. Of course, they are top notch first grade articles. National Geographic is one of the best around. There are some fun learning activities in the extras section. Try the GeoBee and see how your geography knowledge stacks up. I got one wrong.

Path Free Online Homework Help

You can get everything here including free teacher help in live chat. Can’t beat that. The first thing to do is top by the online message boards and check out the categories. You may be able to find what you are looking for right away. Click on the web home page and you can see the new projects they are working on. PATH is a registered non profit organization dedicated to helping students Sounds like they are a group to stick with.

So, there you have it. Now there are no more excuses like “the library was closed” or “I could not find the information” or “I had no one who could help me” You have all the tools’ you need to do a good job on your school work. Parents, these sites have sections for you to check out also, so be there with your student when you can. You. the student and the internet will make an awesome winning team.

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