Why I Chose to Homeschool My Children

I first had an interest in homeschooling as a way to help my son out. He just hated school and did not do well at all. The older he got, the more he started skipping school and not even putting forth any sort of effort. I got busy in December of 1998 and found out all the information that I could. I called the local support group and paid for their packet of information. I checked out 4 or 5 books on homeschooling from the public library as well. I also called some other homeschool families for advice.

Once I felt prepared, I signed my son out of high school. It was wonderful! He had no more complaints of feeling sick. He did all of his work for me with no problems. It also brought us closer than we had been in years! He did such a good job for me.

My two school age daughters then expressed an interest in wanting to be homeschooled as well. I took them out of school in 1999. We have a really good time. They, for the most part, cooperate with me on getting up and getting work done. It’s a real challenge on some days to stay organized. It’s also a challenge teaching three different grade levels. I am learning right along with them in many things.

Homeschooling is no easy task and not for everyone. We have made some good friends, as a family, which is really the way that it should be. I feel a real sense of pride when I KNOW what my children are learning and HOW it is being taught to them.

Don’t ever think that homeschoolers have no social life! This seems to be a common misconception among many. We belong to the local homeschool group. With the group, there are meetings, picnics, field trips. We have a field day each year. We have plays that we put on too! We also have basketball teams. My middle daughter has played on the basketball team for the last 2 years and it’s wonderful to go to the games and chat with other families. We are also fortunate to have a local Bible camp which hosts a homeschool camp each April.

If you are reading this because you are thinking about homeschooling, I hope that I have added some insight to your decision. Please check the website listed for all the laws on homeschooling in your state. Each state varies on what they require. If you are already homeschooling, then I’m sure you understand my drive and my compassion for it. It’s the best decision I have ever made in my life!

Good luck!

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