Yard Sales in South Carolina

I remember about ten years ago that it would be very rare in South Carolina that a yard sale would be going on a Saturday morning. Once in a while there was one but the family was moving to other parts so they were selling off stuff they did not need. Now there are hundreds of yard sales going on starting in some cases on Friday night and not ending until Sunday night.

These yards sales have increased and increased and it is not because the family is moving to another town. There is money to be made in yard sales and there is always the dream of finding that hidden treasure like a Picasso or Monet hidden away somewhere behind an old picture of a grapefruit. This is probably a result in the popularity of TV shows such as Antique Road Show or Treasure in your Attic type shows. Yard sales also clear up the house of stuff that was packed away. Most of the items sold are items not wanted or needed by the seller such as crafts, books, electronics, clothing, games, and furniture. Some of the items that are bought are often repaired and resold by the buyer.

After stopping by some of these yard sales I found out that a family member would put out signs during Friday to announce the yard sale and then when Friday afternoon came by they start setting up. This will continue during the weekend and what I found out is that some members of the family will go scout out other yard sales and buy in bulk what other sales have so they can sell it in their own sale for the following week. More and more families are doing this so there is a lot of variety of things for sale in these yard sales.

The main reasons for these yard sales popping up all over the place are money and clearance. The money made during these yard sales depends on what is being sold. Clothes, crafts, antiques and kitchen wares sell really well. One family told me they make a few hundred dollars every weekend. There is no cost because you are at the house and there is a little labor that you use. Another reason for these sales is to clear the house of stuff that is not needed anymore. Lets face it most of us are pack rats and we gather in our lifetimes a range of things we no longer use.

A lot of these sales include crafts and clothing for the most part and it is an easy way to pick up crafts and clothes that are needed by the consumer. For the most part there is financial gain for these craft sales and yard sales and these types of sales will increase in the future especially with the economy heading the way it is heading. When the economy worsens these sales will also increase. Have fun!

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