Your Body and the Nutrition that it Needs

To live a healthy life our bodies require approximately 40 different nutrients. If our body doesn’t get these nutrients it can cause deficiencies and abnormalities. In order to have complete body function for healthy living we must have most of these nutrients to help our metabolism, organ function, and overall healthy functions.

Nutrition for your Body
Energy is key to support all bodily functions and physical activity. This includes the growth of your body and the repairing of damaged tissue within your body. Your body gets its energy by the oxidation of dietary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and even alcohol.

This is why it is mandatory to exercise regularly. Remember to eat often so that your body can use the nutrients to promote a healthy overall physical condition. High protein snacks such as nuts, fruits and trail mixes are ideal, this will help your body easily turn the nutrients into energy.

Nutrition for your Body: Proteins and Carbohydrates
Protein is mandatory for the healthy growth and maintenance for your body in order for healthy bodily function. You need 9 essential amino acids for protein synthesis.

The Essential Amino Acids
� Leucine
� Isoleucine
� Lysine
� Methionine
� Phenylalanine
� Threonine
� Tryptophan
� Valine
� Histidine

You must eat these proteins everyday as it replaces the essential amino acids that have been lost.

Carbohydrates are absolutely necessary. Certain people have been making money off of products that have zero carbs or low carbs�this is a mistake. You must have carbs in your diet to have a healthy body. Most of your energy should be provided by carbohydrates, Carbohydrates include simple sugars, Complex carbohydrates include starches. Ingestible carbohydrates include dietary fiber. The type of carbohydrate that should be consumed is in the form of starches, as it is found in whole grains that our bodies desperately need. The simple sugars are found in various foods such as our fruits and vegetables.

So, the next time someone tires to tell you carbs are bad for you, do your body a favor and don’t listen to them.

Nutrition for your Body: Vitamins and Minerals
Why are vitamins so important for your body? This is very simple. Some of the vitamins that are required by the body for essential metabolic functions include:
� Thiamine
� Riboflavin
� Niacin
� Vitamin b6
� Vitamin b 12
� Folate
� Pantothenic acid
� Biotin
� Vitamin C
� Vitamin A
� Vitamin D
� Vitamin E
� Vitamin K

Some of the minerals your body has to have in order to promote proper and healthy function are as follows:
� Calcium
� Magnesium
� Phosphorus
� Sodium
� Potassium
� Iron
� Zinc
� Copper
� Chromium
� Selenium
� Chloride

The above elements will help promote healthy teeth and bones, muscle function, nerve function, and fluid and electro light balance.

Nutrition for your Body: Closing thoughts on Your Body and the Nutrition that it Needs
With all the pressure to lose weight and be exceptionally thin, it is important to know that having a healthy body is not about how thin you can get. If you rob your body of the nutrition that it needs you will find that it will not be the overall weight that you’ll be concerned about but more your sickly and malnourished appearance.

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