Yu-gi-oh Tournament Deck Winning Stratagies

Hi, i hear a lot of people ask me about how i won 6 hobbytown USA tournaments all over the mid-south and ask what are my basic deck “put -together” ideas are and well… here they are

tournament deck based- monsters
gladiator beast andal
archfiend soldier
2 cyber dragons
end of anubis
caius the shadow monarch
mobius the frost monarch
snipe hunter
D.D. assailant
summoned skull
gemini elf
elemental hero neos alius
gene warped warwolf
old vindictive magician
2 alien shock trooper
and … white horned dragon

nobleman of crossout
smashing ground
heavy storm
brain control
3 lighting vortex
double summon
soul exchange
monster reborn, recently un banned
premature burial
axe of despair


3 sakuretsu armor
2 trap hole
magic cylinder
negate attack
hero’s rule 2

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