Cliquet Cocktail Recipe

Cliquet is one among the very famous cocktails and very easy to make as well. Therefore, it is imperative that you try this unique drink. If you have just 10 minutes for your family, friends or colleagues, then make Cliquet Cocktail for them as it is surely going to make you famous once they taste it. Cliquet Cocktail contains orange juice, Scotch whiskey and dark rum. It is always better to use fresh orange juice to further enhance the taste of this drink. This recipe makes just one drink but increase the quantity of its ingredients according to the number of your guests or family members. You can garnish this drink with a lemon, lime, or orange slice and present it an old-fashioned glass. If you have found Cliquet cocktail interesting, then try it right away!

Preparation Time: approximately 10 minutes

Serving Size: 01

Equipments Require glass jug, old-fashioned glass, spoon


– Fresh juice of one orange -unsweetened
– 1 tablespoon dark rum
– 90 ml Scotch whiskey
– 4 to 5 ice cubes
– Lime or lemon wedge for garnishing purpose – optional


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    Before doing anything else it is a good idea to carefully clean the work surface that you will be using to make this delicious cocktail. You will also want to thoroughly clean your hands, glasses, utensils and any other item that will be used to put this recipe together. Make it a habit to always keep your kitchen work surface clean to avoid any health issues later.

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    Place an old-fashioned glass in your refrigerator for some time until it chills properly. Remember to place the glass in such a way that it does not fall or break when open or close the refrigerator door. You can use any type of glass that you prefer or find convenient.

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    Until then, grab a glass jug and pour fresh juice of one orange, 1 tablespoon dark rum and 90ml Scotch whiskey into it. Now, add in 4 to 5 ice cubes. If you want your cocktail to be light then you can always reduce the overall amount of whiskey or rum that you put in. This will not have a dramatic impact on the taste of this cocktail. Also, it is up to you as to how many ice cubes you will want to use, too many will make your cocktail watery.

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    Pick up a large spoon and stir the liquor mixture vigorously until all the ingredients mix well. However, make sure to stir it carefully without splashing. You will want a nice smooth texture to your mixture so be sure to check the consistency while stirring.

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    Remove the old-fashioned glass from refrigerator and pour the Cliquet Cocktail into it. It is all set to present, garnish it with lemon, or lime wedge if you want and serve chilled. It is entirely up to you as to how you want to serve and garnish this fabulous cocktail. Your friends and family members will definitely enjoy this lovely cocktail.

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