Difference Between Search Engine and Browser

The current day and age is all about information.

Whoever has the access to information and knows how to utilise it is going to benefit from it. Internet has made this task easier for us and we can access information on just about any topic that exists on the internet.

Internet is truly a revolution and has changed the way we perceive things forever. There are many terms that are associated with it and we often use them without thinking much about the meaning of these terms.

Two of the most commonly terms that are used in this regard are search engine and browsers. Many people regard them as one and the same thing but this is certainly not the case and there is a marked difference between the two.

A browser is software that facilitates our access to the internet and we can access websites, including search engines, with the help of a browser. On the other hand, a search engine is software that facilitates us to find information that is available on the internet.

Browser is available on our computer where it is saved just like any other program whereas the search engines are available at the internet and we must use a browser in order to be able to access them.


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    These have been around for a while now and help us access all the websites we wish to access. Some of the famous browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Fire Fox, Google Chrome and Opera.  These are stored locally on our computers. The browsers are available free of cost and can be downloaded.

    Any website can be accessed with the help of these browsers and they do remember our preferences, making our experience easier. Similarly, recent browsers are offering tabs and one can open multiple tabs at the same time instead of opening multiple windows, thus making the browsing experience even better.

    Image Courtesy: thekeesh.com

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    Search Engine

    These are resources that are at the servers of the websites which are offering the service. We can access them and with their help, access all kinds of information that we wish to seek. Popular search engines include Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista and Ask.

    These have been around for a fair amount of time as well and have been constantly improving the user experience by better understanding the search preferences of the people.

    Everyday hundreds of millions of searches are conducted on these search engines and they are playing a very important role in spreading the information. These search engines offer their services free of cost to the end users.

    Image Courtesy: designmission.com

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