How to Dress for the Gym

Weight lifting is a dedicated job that needs plenty of energy and hard work. When in gym, you cannot afford other things bothering you. Especially your shirt should neither be too loose nor too tight. If the shirt is loose, it will get in the way. And if the trouser is tight, you will find it difficult to stretch your legs.
Comfort should be your top priority, when it comes to choosing the dress for gym. Style is considered to be the second main concern, especially among girls, who cannot afford wearing odd looking outfits/spandex.
Apart from functionality and style, a gym dress has many other important aspects. By wearing an outfit which is too tight, you actually make your blood circulation low, and as a result, even a gruelling fitness session proves totally useless.
You need to select a shirt or an upper that is very light. You can either get a light t-shirt or a sweat shirt, making sure the air passes through the cloth.
Cotton is the best possible material in this regard, because it allows the air to pass through. In case the shirt is not made of breathable material, you will quickly lose your entire energy. -
When it comes to select something for your lower body, choose the normal cotton gym shorts. There is no need to buy shorts with a belt. Since the trouser should not tight around the waist, it is preferable that you buy elastic shorts.
If you feel shy in shorts, you can try simple track pants. Make sure the trouser has an open bottom with air easily passing through. -
A leather waist belt is a must for the professional weight lifters. Such belts help you avoid back injuries.
Choosing the right shoes is not a tricky activity. It entirely depends on the exercises that you are doing. If no running is involved and the floor is carpeted, you can even enter the gym without shoes. On the other hand, joggers are the best option for those doing cardio exercises.
While wearing shoes, your socks should not be tight or loose. Prefer the cotton socks, because they prevent your feet from sweating.
Also carry a track jacket and a soft towel. The towel will help you wipe off sweat, whereas the light upper prevents your body from quickly cooling down after workout.