How to Get Israel Tourist Visit Visa from London

In 2010, nearly 3.45 million tourists arrived in Israel. This figure alone is enough to judge the popularity of the tourism industry of the country. Israel not only offers historical and religious sight seeing but also has amazing beach resorts, ecotourism, heritage tourism and archaeological tourism. Many tourists from Great Britain capital visit Israel every year and usually visit religious sites and meet with family members settled in the Jewish state. Even though the security concerns in the country is very high, the process to apply for a visit visa is fairly simple. For those looking to visit some of the oldest churches, synagogues and mosques in Israel, here is a guide on how to get a tourist visa for Israel from London.


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    Click here to find out, which countries require visas to enter in to Israel. Following are the requirements, which needed to be filled in order to obtain the visit visa of Israel.

    a)     Provide travel document that must be valid minimum for 6 months beyond the time of stay in Israel.

    b)     One fully completed and duly signed visa application form.

    c)      Provide a copy of applicants’ document.

    d)     Provide evidence that applicant have enough funds to cover his or her trip to Israel.

    e)     Round-trip airline tickets (to and from Israel).

    f)       Provide 2 passport size photographs.

    g)     Deposit exact visa fee.

    To get more information about requirements, visit following link.

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    Visa Application Form

    Download visa application form of Israel from here. Or contact Embassy of Israel in London to get the visa application in paper form.

    Embassy of Israel

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    Visa Fee

    The visa fee for visitors is 22 US dollars and in European currency the charges are 17 Euros. To learn about other charges in detail click here. For further information contact Embassy of Israel in London (see the address above).

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    Mode of Payment

    Payments can be made by bank draft. Any payment made by personal cheques is NOT ACCEPTABLE. To know about the other means of payment contact Embassy of Israel in London (see the address above).

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    Applicants should always send documents always to Israeli missions for submission through registered mail. Those, who would like to submit documents by other means should contact the Embassy of Israel in London (see the address above).

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    Processing Time

    Applicants should contact the Embassy of Israel in London (see the address above) in order to learn about the processing time period of their applications.

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    Collect Visa

    Those, who have sent their applications by registered or prepaid mail, would get their visa through the same service. Others would get their visas from where they have submitted it as per the advice of the Embassy of Israel in London (see the address above).

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    Check List

    Apart from checking the aforementioned documents in step 1, travellers should also check following things before his or her departure:

    a)     Before leaving for Israel double check that your passport is valid for minimum six months beyond the scheduled date of return.

    b)     Applicant should leave a copy of his or her travel program along with contact details of hotel in which the tourist is planning to stay.

    c)      Applicant should also check what travel his or her insurance plan covers. Does it also cover health and baggage?

    d)     Applicant should also reconfirm his or her flights at least 72 hours before departure.

    e)     Check what type of payments modes are widely accepted at most stores, restaurants, tourist sites, parks and museums in Israel.

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    Things allowed for tourists to take along with them

    Travellers are allowed carry two suitcases per person, which should not be weighing more than 70 lbs. If traveller has an intention on making a stopover in Europe then, he or she has a limit to carry not more than 44 lbs. per person.

    Travellers can carry a copy of their medical prescriptions along with them.

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