How to Get the Girl You Like

If your heart skips a beat and the strength disappears from your legs every time you see a certain girl or find yourself in her presence, then there is absolutely no doubt that you like her. Once you realise how you feel about her, there is a strong chance that you will be tempted to go and pour your heart out to her. If you are lucky, the girl may feel the same way about you and you two will end up together. Unfortunately, there is a very small chance of things going so smoothly. There is a stronger chance that you might get rejected, slapped, insulted, beaten up by her male friends or laughed at by her circle of friends for assuming that you have a chance with someone like her.
If you truly like the girl and are willing to do anything to win her over, then make sure you stick to certain rules that will help you get her.
While you are aware of the fact that you like her, you still need to know what she really is like. A lot of people end up falling for a pretty face, but find their feelings disappear once they learn that the person they liked is really ugly from the inside. You would not want to make all the effort of winning a girl over just to find out later that she is not really your type. Try to find excuses to talk to her in order to learn a little bit about her such as her likes, dislikes, etc.
Once you become certain about your feelings for the girl, make sure you do not make them evident right away. Instead, treat her like any other person for the time being. Talk to her politely and if you ever see her in need of help, offer her a hand. Make sure she sees you doing the same for other people as well so that she does not think that you are giving her special treatment.
While talking to the girl, make sure you do not simply stick to topics of your interest. If you have done your research, you would be aware of her interests. Steer the conversation towards them in order to keep her interested.
Be sure to act natural while around her. If you try to be someone you are not, there is a good chance that she may notice it and start finding you fake.
Never let a conversation drag on for too long. Make sure you bring it to an end by telling her that you need to go some place or meet someone. This may prove hard, but you must understand that this will help you in the long run.
When you see her sad, do whatever you can to cheer her up. If she is worried, ask her if there is anything you can do. She would probably want to talk about it. Lend her your ear for as long as she wants. Be sure to wear an expression that leaves no doubt in her mind about you being genuinely concerned.
Make her smile and laugh as you two start talking more often. Make her think of you as a cheerful person, one that can light up her darkest skies.
There is a good chance that she will have started to like you a bit by now. However, you must make her fully aware of her feelings and in order to do that, you have two options: jealousy and distance. Compliment the looks or style of some girl that you both know and see how she reacts to it. She is bound to feel jealous when she hears you talking so fondly about someone. As for distance, try to avoid her for a few days and see how she reacts to it. Remember, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Do not keep this up for too long though.
Start complimenting her looks or style. Girls love to hear good things about themselves. Try not to use words such as “beautiful” or “gorgeous” for now, as that might give her an idea about your feelings.
Let things continue like this for a while, say a month or two, before finally confessing your feelings to her. Be sure to choose the right place and right time. You do not want her friends to be around when you tell her how much you like her. Expect to see a delighted look on her face.