How to Identify Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Despite numerous warnings, some mothers continue to consume alcohol, putting the well-being of their unborn baby in danger. Little do they realise that their negligence and irresponsibility can result in the baby getting affected by fetal alcohol syndrome, which hampers its mental and physical development, as well as become physically deformed. The condition is an irreversible one, which means that the baby is forced to pay the price for the negligence shown by its mother.

Learning to identify the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome can help in extending the baby’s life and giving it a chance at a quality life.


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    One of the most commonly observed symptom of fetal alcohol syndrome is the infant’s poor suckling tendencies and poor sleeping habits. While it is not uncommon to find an infant experiencing confusion when attempting to suckle, the prolonging of this confusion for an extended period of time is when things become really alarming. Not only will the baby be seen struggling while trying to feed, it will not have very healthy sleeping habits, which will consequently lead to crankiness.

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    A baby affected by fetal alcohol syndrome would begin to show signs of irritation for no obvious reason. The discomfort is pretty similar to the one shown by an adult who just recently withdrew from alcohol. The baby will show his irritability through crying and showing mood such as anger and agitation. These signs will be pretty overt, which will make it quite easy for an observer to take notice of them and know that the baby may be suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome.

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    One of the most alarming symptoms shown by an infant affected by fetal alcohol syndrome is abnormal development. An observer may notice that the head of the baby remaining pretty small, not growing the way it should, or the jaws not developing and growing properly, thus remaining small. In some cases, protruding foreheads, cleft palates or folds of skin extending from the eye-lids to the side of the nose may be observed. Once again, these signs are pretty obvious, but identifying them as signs of possibly fetal alcohol syndrome is what is really important here.

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    As the infant grows, observe him closely to notice signs of any learning difficulties. Infants affected by fetal alcohol syndrome are handicapped, both mentally and physically. They find it hard to do or learn some really basic things such as being able to sit up, crawl or even roll over. As they grow, they will begin to show even more evident signs of mental and physical retardation.

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