How To Make Acne Medicine

Acne is one among the common but major skin issues. Acne problem affects your overall appearance and personality. It basically occurs due to discombobulation of sebaceous glands and the the hair follicles, affecting both females and males during   young adulthood young adulthood  (puberty). Face, back and chest are mostly suffered by acne problem. Oily and fast food, stress, pressure, clogging cosmetics, dirt, drugs, and heredity are some of the main reasons of acne. If you are one of the ones suffering from acne, try some useful and natural homemade acne medicines before trying the expensive commercial cosmetics or considering an acne treatment. They are simple to make and contain pure ingredients, which are packed with anti-acne properties. Homemade acne medicines can take some time but your consistency in their application can provide you with the desired results.

Things Needed:

– Mild soap
– Soft washcloth
– Clean towel
– Garlic
– Tea tree oil
– Cotton balls
– Honey


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    Keep your skin clean

    Use a  mild soap to wash the affected areas of your body and then wash off with clean lukewarm water. Gently wipe your body dry with clean towel. Use this simple procedure to wash the affected areas of your body twice a day until you get rid of acne issue. It helps in drying the skin and inflaming the acne.

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    Use Garlic

    Garlic is another useful remedy for acne as it is a natural disinfectant. It effectively destroys the bacteria that can make acne issue worse. Peel a piece of garlic and cut into equal halves. Now gently run the garlic’s exposed end against the acne for 5 to ten minutes and then rinse off with lightly warm water. Repeat it everyday until the acne issue is solved.

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    Honey Treatment

    Pure Honey play effective role in doing away with the acne. It helps in removing the dead cells above the affected area of your body and preventing the pores of the skin from being clogged with skin cells. Use an ice cream stick to apply a thin coat of pure honey to affected skin and leave it for some time to dry well. Smoothly rinse off the honey, using  a good quality soap and lukewarm water.

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    Make a natural astringent

    The  natural astringent prepared with the pure and natural astringent is effective in treating acne, reducing the acne inflammation. Vigorously stir one part of pure tea tree oil and 19 parts of water together until form a uniform mixture. Dip clean cotton balls in the solution and apply to the acne. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and wash with water.

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