How to Make an Eye Pin

Eye pins are basically small pins with a minutes loop /circle at their ends (tails). These pins are small in size but are of great use as they play a vital role in linking the various components of jewelries. Eye pins have great importance in the ornaments’ industry. These magical pins are used in the making of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and hanging charms etc. Eye pins are easily available in at both brick and click companies but making your pins is a great experience and will save your money as well.
Give below are two simple techniques used in making an eye pin:
Things you will need to make an eye pin:
– 20 to 22g wire – at least 6cm or longer
– Round nose pliers
– Chain or flat nose pliers
– Side cutter
Technique A:
Take a piece of 20 to 22 gram wire that should be at least 6cm or longer. Now, use your fingertips to straighten the piece of wire to give it a smooth shape.
Now, grip the piece of straight wire about 2/3rd of the exact length of the nose pliers that you are using.
Move the nose pliers by yourself and gently twist the tip of the wire at 90 degree angle.
Now, use your free hand and bend the tip of the wire in right hand direction with an aim to form a perfect loop (sphere).
Wear safety glasses, grab a sharp side cutter and cut the extra wire at the linking point of the loop.
Now, smooth the loop with the help of the flat nose pliers or chain.
Technique B:
Take a piece of wire and straight it with your finger tips. Now, grasp the 2/3rd of the wire with the tip of the especially designed nose pliers.
Get some help from your free hand and bend the tip of the wire clockwise, right around the nose of the pliers in order to form a loop (sphere).
Cut the extra wire at the connecting point of the loop, using a side cutter.
Now, smooth the inner side of the loop with the help of the nose pliers.