How to Pack a Suitcase So Clothes Won’t Wrinkle

Packing for a travel can be a difficult task as you need to determine which things you would need for the trip. One of the main problems most people face while their trips is wrinkles on their clothes. These wrinkles usually require extra time to remove. The main reason for wrinkles is over packing. When you have placed items more than the bag can carry, the clothes will have more weight on them which will change their press.

You can use plastic bags for the purpose. Also, rolling your clothes and placing them straight in the suitcase will also help your cause.


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    Keep minimum clothes in the bag

    You must keep minimal clothes in the bag as excess clothes are one of the reasons of wrinkles. Make sure that you place the clothes in a proper order so that there is no risk of wrinkles when you get them out after reaching the destination. Also, avoid placing items such as hair dryers or irons as they can be available anywhere you go.

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    Use plastic bags

    One of the main reasons of wrinkles on clothes is the friction that is caused between the items in the bag. For this, you need to use plastic bags as they will reduce friction. You can use dry cleaner bags and place them in an order so that they remain in shape during the travel.

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    Roll your clothes

    Rolling your clothes can definitely help in minimizing the wrinkles on them. There are more chances of causing wrinkles when you fold clothes in comparison to when you roll them. Usually, pants and T-shirts are packed in this manner.

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    Place the clothes straight

    Even if you have placed the clothes in plastic bags, there is chance of causing wrinkles on them. You should place them in a proper order. They should be placed flat in the bag and make sure you do not squeeze items in the corners of the bag as that could damage the clothes and the press as well.

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    Pack suits in garment bags

    Suits have to be taken good care of. They need to be placed in proper garment bags. You should place them at the top when all other clothes are packed.

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