How to Plant a Shade Garden

If you have an outdoor area that does not get direct sunlight for most the day, than planting a shade garden is the best way to properly utilize the space. Most people think that it can be very challenging to plant a shade garden as you will have to pick the right plants that can thrive with little sunlight. Using some simple guidelines and a few tools you can quickly plant a shade garden that the whole family will definitely enjoy.

Things Required:

– Shovel
– Mulch
– Compost
– Shade-Tolerant Plants
– Garden Gloves


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    Check Area:

    It is a good idea before starting that you carefully check the shaded area of your yard. Make sure that you monitor how much sunlight actually hits the area and the types of plants that might already be thriving there. Also, take note of the angle of the sunlight as it changes throughout the day.

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    Prepare Soil:

    After you have taken into account the time and angle of the sunlight in your garden, it is a good idea that you also check the soil in and around the shaded areas. You will want to make sure that the soil is not very dry as you need the perfect mix with some additional moisture. Take some old leaves and some cut grass and spread all over the shaded area. The goal is to keep the entire topsoil area moist. After some time the area all of the compost which you have spread around will be ready for planting.

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    Pick Plants:

    You will want to pick between various species of shade tolerant shrubs, vines and perennials. There are many different varieties that can handle growing in shaded areas. A few good examples of shade tolerant shrubs are Azalea, Dogwood and Gardenia. Few hardy varieties of shade tolerant vines include Honeysuckle, Bittersweet and Creeping Fig. Some excellent varieties of shade tolerant perennials include Balloon Flower, Foxglove, Bergamot and many others. Be sure to pick plants that are easy to maintain and look great.

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    Plant and Maintain:

    After picking the proper plants for your shaded garden, use the shovel and begin planting. Take your time to ensure that each plant has enough space and that the soil is relatively moist. Once you are done with the planting, be sure to maintain your shaded garden by providing the necessary mulch when needed.

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