How to Replace Broken Lug Nut Stud

Lug nut stud connects the wheel rim with the hub. It helps to keep the rim and hub together firmly. Furthermore, it is tightened through the hub in a specific manner which makes it different from the other bolts. You can easily replace your lug nut stud if it is broken or damaged due to any reason. All you need is a little time and few tools.
Things required
First of all, you have to jack up your car’s wheel with the broken stud. Then, settle down the car on the jack stand. You must raise your car to enough height so that you can easily replace the lug nut.
Take a 4-way lug nut tool and open the studs so as to remove the wheel. After loosening all the bolts, take them out and pull the wheel off.
Now, you can access the lug studs on the hub. Pull off the brake line from the hub, but retain the clip holding it. After that, loosen the bolts which are holding the brake leathers into the wheel. Take the bolts off and remove the pads.
Then, take a smaller hammer and tap the damaged or broken stud out of the hub. You must strike the hammer firmly to take the bolt out. But, it is extremely important for you not to hit the wheel hub as it may get damaged.
Take the lubricating spray and lubricate the empty hole of the hub. You also have to lubricate the new stud and the CV nut.
After that, you have to insert the new stud in the hole of the hub from the backside of the wheel. Then, slip in the CV nut and tighten it.
Then, take the 4-way tool and tighten all the bolts by placing the wheels on the hub. When you are done with tightening all the bolts, you have to remove the CV bolt.
Now, reconnect the pads and bridge in the order that is reverse to the one with which you removed them.
Take the tire and place it on the wheel. Take the 4-way tool and tighten all the bolts until the tire is firmly attached with the wheel. Remove the jack stand.