How to Shed Your Shetland Pony Using the Furminator

If you own a Shetland pony then you already know what the winter coat looks like. Nothing compares with the amount of hair that comes off one of these ponies in the springtime. At the same time, removing hair from a Shetland pony during the summer season also allows it to feel cool.

Can you try to imagine what it must be like to wear a fur coat outside in 90-degree weather? So, during the summer season, you must try to brush, pull, and trim your Shetland pony’s hair, in order to provide it a relief from heat.

Furminator is a great deshedding tool and is widely used by people around the world to remove excess hair from ponies, horses and dogs.


  • 1

    Begin by pressing firmly, teeth-side down, on the side of the pony. Pull the Furminator along the side of the pony in the same direction that the hair lays. Repeat in the same line until you have removed most of the loose hair. Then move down a few inches and repeat until you have removed the loose hair from the side.

  • 2

    Stand beside the pony to groom the underbelly. Press firmly against the belly and pull the Furminator towards your body. Repeat this step until you have removed most of the loose hair from the underbelly.

  • 3

    Lift the mane of the horse. Press the teeth of the Furminator teeth firmly against the neck of the horse and pull in the direction that the hair lays. Repeat until you have removed most of the loose hair from the neck.

  • 4

    Move to the horse’s buttocks. Press the teeth of the Furminator firmly against the buttocks of the horse and pull in the direction that the hair lays. Repeat until you have removed most of the loose hair from the buttocks.

  • 5

    Go around to the other side of the pony and repeat steps one through four.

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