How to Strengthen Abs with a Medicine Ball

You should be aware of how to perform the two most effective exercises to strengthen your abs using only an exercise ball and a medicine ball. In order to do this, there is no need to go to a gym or a fitness centre as you can simply do this in your own home. Heat up your body by doing five minutes of cardio exercises and then work with the medicine ball. Do a set of 10-15 repetitions and gradually work up to three sets of 10-15 repetitions as you increase your stamina. There are a number of ways to strengthen abs with a medicine ball with good effect.


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    Medicine balls with leg extensions

    You should do leg extensions with exercise ball. In order to carry out this exercise, you need to place the medicine ball under your upper back. Keep the exercise ball over your chest and raise your legs at a 90 degree angle. After that, lower your arms behind yourself and stretch your right leg at the same time. Once this step is completed, return to the original stance and do this exercise again now with the left leg.

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    Lunge with medicine ball

    Commence in a lunge position with your left leg in front of you and your knee above your ankle. Grab the exercise ball, go lower into a lunge stance and get the ball down towards your left hip. After that, unbend your knees and bring the ball beyond your head and go back into a lunge, maintaining the ball towards your right hip. The motion of the exercise ball will look like the digit eight. Do this activity on your other side repeating the same steps. Make sure you do the exercise properly and carefully.

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    Perform crunches in all positions. Place yourself face up on the medicine ball and hold it with both hands. Commence with your body all over the medicine ball, with the arms. Shrink your abs to raise your upper back off the exercise ball and bring it towards your left thigh. Do this 10 to 15 repetitions. After this, do the whole routine with the other side. You can also do ball balancing by sitting on the ball with your arms stretched on any side of your body. Try to sustain balance while you are balancing with the ball.

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