List of Swap Shops in London

A swap shop is a place where second hand items like clothes, shoes and various other accessories are sold or traded. Sellers bring in used items that they don’t feel like using any more, while buyers purchase many useful items – but definitely at an affordable price. One should not take these swap shops as old run-of-the-mill second hand shops. Expect products of reputed and prestigious brands and that too in very good conditions. Do walk down to any of these capital city’s swap shops and who knows! You might end up finding your dream suit or bag at a reasonable price.
Dress for less
Dress for less merchandises both high-end and mid-range brands at St John Street in London. You can also get designer brands on good prices and then flaunt them in front of your friends!
The Loft
The Loft stocks a good variety of renowned brands - all offered at affordable prices. The staff is welcoming and friendly and guides and caters to the customers’ queries in an efficient manner.
L’ Homme Designer exchange
L’ Homme Designer exchange is a men’s wear exchange store that sells famous brands in good condition. The impeccable, good quality and the all-too-prestigious brands make this place a must visit.
Retro Clothing
Flaunt a top of the line designer suiting purchased from Retro Clothing at Berwick street. Retro and vintage clothing, accessories and even jewellery can be purchased at a good price.
Retro Man
Buy and sell designer products at Retro Man. This Notting Hill shop has made its mark in the list of swap shops in just a short span of time.
Retro Woman
Rertro Woman is located at Pembridge Road close to Retro Man, selling a variety of labels. The staff is always friendly and guides the customers in a professional way.
Bang Bang
Bang Bang is yet another great venue to find extensive variety of quality products in the British capital.