Steps to Write a Management Dissertation

Writing a management dissertation is considered as an important academic and writing feat. It requires thorough planning, comprehensive research, creative thinking and analysis and most importantly high standard of writing. It is because of the reason that while writing a management dissertation, a student has to present something unique and creative to the field of management studies.

Your research must contain sufficient background information so that the examiner can easily understand the basic theme and idea of your work.

If you are being troubled by a management dissertation then don’t worry. The step by step guide below is going to help you out in writing the perfect dissertation. Just scroll down and learn from the tips which we have provided you with.


  • 1

    Title should be unique

    Management is a vast field therefore you need to carefully select a suitable topic among various disciplines which comes under the umbrella of management. Selection of an appropriate title is a bit difficult task and requires an intelligent approach. Make sure the tile you select for your management dissertation should be appropriate and according to your field of specialization in management sciences. Given below are some areas from which you can select an interesting title:

    - Risk Management
    - Change Management
    - Information Business Management
    - Knowledge Management
    - Event Management
    - Environmental Management
    - Performance Management
    - Supply Chain Management
    - Strategic Management
    - Financial Business Management
    - Services Business Management
    - Human Resource Management
    - Operations Management
    - Marketing Management

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    Conduct the Research

    In the research phase, you need to gather accurate, valid and updated data of your selected topic. You can take very useful information from the Internet, books, magazines or journals and encyclopedias. Besides that, you can also take help from different reference books, newspapers, and letters etc. You can either use primary or secondary method for collecting data according to your requirement. In primary research, you have to produce original data like conducting interviews, surveys, or from questionnaires etc whereas in secondary research, you get information from published sources or conducting different types of experiments.

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    Evaluate the Collected Data

    Now evaluate the data you have collected for your research. You need to thoroughly examine the raw information and extract the useful data from it.

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    Writing up your management dissertation

    When it comes to writing management dissertation, different universities follow different types of formats. So in all cases, it is best to follow the guidelines of your supervisor or your departmental handbook on how to write a management dissertation. However, many institutes follow this type of format as given below;

    Title page: Write your name and tile of your dissertation. Do mention your supervisor’s name, your department and other pertinent information according to your requirement.

    Abstract: Briefly describe the main theme of your research, the method you applied in it and conclusion of your dissertation.

    Introduction: First of all, you have to introduce your research/thesis on management dissertation. Make sure to maintain the flow of your writing so that the reader can go through your dissertation till the last word with easiness.

    Background: Give logical analysis of your work and explain its theoretical background and relevance of your research with the management science.

    Literature review: Present all the relevant work that has been done previously on the same topic.

    Methodology: Describe all the methods that you have applied in your research to collect the data and produce the desired results.

    Findings: Provide all the results that you were able to produce from your research.

    Analysis and discussion: In this step you have to thoroughly analyze the findings of your research. Also discuss any implications you come across while conducting your research.

    Conclusion: Conclude your article in the best possible way, so that it can be easily understandable for all the readers.  Also provide an overall view or summary by responding to the original thesis of your dissertation.

    Recommendations: Give appropriate recommendations in the light of the findings and conclusion of your management dissertation.

    Bibliography: Make sure to write an appropriate bibliography of your management dissertation. It includes the list of all the sources from where you obtained information and also acknowledge your sources. Make sure to follow the quotation style preferred by your university or institute.

    Appendix: This is a last section of your management dissertation. It comprises of information referred to in the dissertation that is quite large to include in the body of your dissertation.

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