Why We Don’t Need Offices Anymore

Ten years back if anybody would have suggested that we don’t need offices in the corporate world, he or she would have been laughed out of the room, and ridiculed on top of that. Yet, here we are today, in the same corporate world and getting used to the fact that offices are indeed a luxury which we no longer require.

The major reason behind this is the ever increasing implications of the internet. Today, we can meet, interact and connect through the internet at any time and place, and the best part is that there are no overhead costs involved. This is one of the prime reasons why more and more people are switching towards outsourcing. In this article, I will give you some concrete arguments which will prove that offices in the corporate sector are now a thing of the past.


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    A More Interactive Generation

    The biggest benefit of the social media websites like Twitter and Facebook is that they have influenced the younger generation to share their knowledge and feel comfortable while engaging with others. This generation does not wait for the things to happens, they make it happen. They are not the ones who will wait for an array of emails to get the work started.

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    Workplace of Choice for Employees

    People like to work from home in their own time after adjusting all their domestic priorities. They do not want to spend money on commutation to the office on a daily basis and be part of a working environment which becomes stale after some time. It is a proven fact that the productivity of the employees increases if they are allowed to work from home and most companies tend to give their best talent a free ticket as far as the working place is concerned.

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    Cost Saving for Employers

    Running an office is fast becoming an extremely expensive option. The real estate prices in the corporate areas have sky rocketed. Add to it the cost of office equipment, internet connections, amenities like medical and transport, training cost etc, and you have a raw deal as an owner.

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    Better Results

    In addition to the increased productivity from the employees, better results can also be achieved in this way. You will only hire people who know their craft, and can detail a contract which relates their pays (and the bonuses, raises etc) to a certain minimum standard.

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