Snowstorm Supplies: Things to Have when Snowed In

As winter approaches, it is very important for you and your family to prepare your home for snowstorms. Getting snowed into your house is a stressful experience, but if you keep a fully stocked emergency supply kit, it is simply a matter of waiting out the storm.


If you typically only lose power for a few hours to a day, candles, flashlights, oil lamps, and lanterns are usually all that is necessary to keep your home lit during the storm. Keep enough around the house to sufficiently light whichever room the family uses most and make sure there are enough small lights for family members to carry while traversing the house. If you lose power for much longer, it is a good idea to have a power generator to provide the house with electricity during the outage.


Even if you use a generator, it is a good idea to store food that does not require electricity to prepare. Canned and dry foods are the best choice. For example, keep a stock of soups and cereals tucked away in an emergency box for quick, electricity-free meals. Any foods that are able to be cooked over a non-electric burner or on the grill are also good to keep, so pasta, rice, and beans are also useful choices. Keep enough food and water to survive at least three days on.

First Aid

A basic first aid kit is essential to keep on hand even when not tucked away in a snowstorm. Keep a few days worth of any prescription medications the family requires, as well as over the counter medicines, such as pain killers and cold medicines. Bandages and hot or cold packs are necessary in case of any injury. These supplies are essential if there is any risk of being unable to visit the doctor for minor injuries or sicknesses that may appear during the snowstorm.


So you have light, food, and medicines, and the radio says the power is likely to stay off for another day or two. Keeping you and anyone else locked inside with you entertained, relaxed, comfortable, and calm ensures the outage involves as little stress as possible. Make sure you have enough blankets to keep everyone warm and keep some entertainment options easily accessible. Board games and books are wonderful ways to distract everyone from storms and power outages, and make the time fly by.

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