Missed Miscarriage or Misdiagnosis? No Heartbeat at 10 Weeks

I was told at 10 weeks that my baby had no heartbeat and had stopped growing at 8 weeks. It was just a routine dating ultrasound. I’d had no bleeding, no cramping and no indication that anything was wrong. I suffered from a missed miscarriage. As a mother of three healthy boys, this was a new experience to me and one I found would have been far easier on me had I known what to expect. I’ve chosen to share my story from start to finish in a series of short articles so that other women who face what our family did are more prepared. You’ll find my story enhanced with research as well as information gleaned from talking to other women who have had miscarriages and healthcare professionals I met through the process to help answer questions you may find yourself asking.

Article one will deal with whether or not miscarriages can be misdiagnosed, whether or not you should get a second opinion, and if so, when.

When I was first told I’d had a missed miscarriage, the doctor was very brusque. The ultrasound was very short and my options were shorter. I could have an D&C (Dilation and Curettage) or wait it out naturally. I didn’t believe him. I left that office 100 percent sure he was an incompetent hack. I spent the next week reading stories of people that were told what I was told and had everything turn out ok. One minute I was sure my baby was fine, the next I was in tears because I knew she/he wasn’t. It was the longest week of my life.

Can miscarriages be misdiagnosed?

Yes, based on forum responses from women on misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com and personal interviews with women who preferred to remain anonymous, misdiagnosed miscarriages are most common in early pregnancy.

Information gathered suggested that your chances of a misdiagnosis may be higher if:

-You are 6 weeks pregnant or less. The further along you are after the 6 week point, the lower the chance of misdiagnosis.
-Your ultrasound was not done vaginally. Vaginal ultrasounds are far more accurate in early pregnancy.
-A fetal pole was not seen. This may indicate your due dates are off or you may have a tilted uterus. It appeared to be more common for no fetal pole to be seen and a baby to be found later, than a baby with no heartbeat to later have one.

If a baby is seen measuring 8 weeks or larger with no heartbeat, the chances are quite slim that you had a misdiagnosed miscarriage. If you’re looking for hope, I know that’s not what you want to hear, but I found false hope made my week of waiting far longer. In my case, I was wrong, but I’m still glad I got a second opinion. Most of the women I spoke to felt better about things if they got a second opinion, or wished they had if they didn’t. It offers that certainty so that keeps you from wondering if you’re doing the right thing if you opt for a D&C or struggling with the idea your baby may be alive if you decide to wait it out.

How long should I wait before I get a second opinion?

I know your first instinct is to run straight to another doctor, clinic or the ER to get a second opinion right now, but the general guideline is to wait one week. Why? If in one week the baby has not grown at all, there is no doubt that your baby is indeed gone. If you get a second opinion right away, yes you’re getting a new machine and new person reading that machine, but if your due dates are incorrect or your baby is developing slowly due to other circumstances, it’s possibly you’ll still get a misdiagnosis. Many women who get ultrasounds around 6 weeks find no heartbeat and later find one. Your baby’s heart begins to beat around 6 weeks. If your due date is even a few days off, you could be misdiagnosed.

What about HCG blood levels?

I declined HCG blood testing for the most part. I didn’t want one more thing to stress over. Why? HCG is supposed to double every 48 hours in early pregnancy before peaking around 10 weeks and begin to decline. Note the word supposedly. It is not uncommon for women to have non-doubling HCG levels and have perfectly healthy pregnancies. If your due date is off, you levels could already be dropping. If your baby passed recently, your levels may not have begun to drop off and could remain high for weeks. There are so many things that make HCG levels irrelevant; it’s really just information that’s going to make you worry more. What you do need to know is that your levels return to zero if you do indeed miscarry, meaning a blood test after your loss is recommended.

Article two will cover handling the grief of a miscarriage and will be noted in comment when published. I hope that this article helps those who are facing a possible miscarriage and a sincerely hope you have no need to read article two.

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