Paganism in Today’s Society

I decided to write this article because of some “facts” out there that are widely published, yet completely false. I thought that everyone, including some neo-pagans, and some who call themselves pagan could really use a bit of an eye opener. My interest in the subject, and what makes me so knowledgeable of it, is the fact that I am a neo-pagan and have been one for almost ten years.

The first thing that I would like to point out is the difference between a pagan and a neo-pagan. If you follow something akin to pagan beliefs, but also happen to be reading this, then you are a neo-pagan. Pagan religions are followed by those from pure Paleolithic cultures. That is to say, that modern culture has not touched them. If the religion has been followed by your culture since before modern times and the arrival of missionaries and the telephone, then yes you can claim to be a true pagan. If, however, you are following a revivalist religion, such as Asatru , or your beliefs are garnered from what little information you can find about what is now known of the civilizations of “classical” cultures, such as Ancient Greece, then you are a neo-pagan, or new pagan. Basically unless you come from untouched areas of Africa and South America, you are not truly a pagan, but are a neo-pagan should you follow such religions. That said let us move on.

The second point to this article, is the absurd idea that pagans or neo-pagans are Satanists, or vice versa, and that all pagans/neo-pagans are witches. I think I will take on the second part of that first, it is easier. I am not a witch, I am a neo-pagan, therefore not all neo-pagans are witches. As for Satanism or even Satan itself having anything to do with neo-paganism, neither does. You see paganism is, as i pointed out pre-modern history, and is uninfluenced by it. Neo-paganism, is fairly new but without modern religious ideals. Neither has any connection to Satan, Satanism, or even Christianity. Satanism is a form of religion which is in direct opposition to another religion. Neo-pagans for the most part aren’t anti-Christian, and those few who are, are simply against the way they are treated by the Christians they meet. Satanism itself is derived from a modern religion, not an ancient one. Thus no true Satanist can be called pagan or neo-pagan, nor vice versa.

Another thing I would like to point out is the reason that such fallacies are so prevalent. (Neo-pagans get ready, because you are about to read something you will not like. ) Such false information is not prevalent simply because people say it. It is mainly because there are too many who are lazy about actually spreading the truth. I frequent several chat rooms and forums on neo-paganism and the occult. I have noticed an alarming number of people who come in to find out the truth and are ignored, spoken down to, or even (and this is the worst) yelled at for asking. If you want the truth to come out, it’s simple, tell it. Don’t just sit there and complain that people are persecuting you because they don’t know the truth, go out and spread the truth. And for those of you who say you do not tell things because it is proselytizing, unless you are actively pursuing people to convince them that your way is the right way and that they should convert to your religion, it is not proselytizing. It is very simply telling the truth.

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