The Top Ten Reasons Writers Should Blog

Fame, fun, fortune and the ultimate sign of writing success, steady publication can be attained by any writer. Winning these golden keys requires the following: access to the internet, time, effort and a quality blog.

Although blogging can be viewed very simply as the next step in our ever evolving modes of communication, the nature of blogging makes it a uniquely enriching format for writers. With blogging, the written word can be enhanced with moving pictures and sound. Blogging is one of the few activities where visual imagery, aural presentation and the written word can be effectively and fairly easily presented together by a single author. There’s an immediate audience when blogging. Blogging also provides a sense of community via comments and linking. The solitary nature of writing is somewhat diffused by these qualities. Because of these qualities, writers can greatly enjoy blogging.

Keeping an online journal also known as a weblog or blog offers a multi-faceted opportunity to writers, from the aspiring newbie to the practicing professional. The medium may be non-traditional but the function, to keep an ongoing record of one’s daily experiences, to record thoughts and ideas for posterity, to share news, stories and ideas, and practicing the craft of writing remains the same. Blogs do differ from the traditional journal in that they are simultaneously historic and current. They form a record, but can also be read and receive responses in real-time. This element of blogging allows for the much noted interactivity and community building aspects of the blogosphere.

Why a writer should blog, especially one who might already have an established writing career, may not be immediately apparent. Along with pursuing traditional publication, there are ten very good reasons every writer should try their hand at blogging.

1. Writing Practice – Many writing maunals suggest that writers practice their craft daily. The idea with blogging is to post regularly. Blogging can help you build a daily writing practice, especially if a writer blogs publicly. The presence of an audience and the potential for feedback are great motivation.
2. Build a Web Presence-If a writer is pursuing commercial success, the internet is simply one more venue to utilize for promoting their work. As an added bonus the internet provides immediate access to a global readership. Sales to Rome can be made from the comfort of one’s desktop.
3. Control-Blogging is a form of publishing. A blogger publishes what they want and on a schedule that is determined by them.
4. There’s money to be earned. Click ads and merchandising are just two of the means used by bloggers to earn money from their efforts. Many news outlets also consult with or hire bloggers to provide moment-to-moment commentary and news in the areas that they cover. An excellent example, of a site that provides news along with a healthy section of quality blogs, is
5. A blog can become a writing workshop. Comments and linking allow immediate feedback on the poetry, articles and other types of posts presented by bloggers to their readers. Sometimes comments become the basis for extended online conversations about a given work or topic.
6. Audioblog or podcast readings and interviews. A reading is as simple as signing up with or creating a podcast using audio recording freeware like Audacity.
7. Promotion-A blog provides a forum for writers to let readers know about past, current and upcoming projects.
8. It’s fun. The other nine reasons for blogging make it fun.
9. It’s,, and are three sites that offer free webhosting to bloggers. There are many others.
10. Build a writing portfolio. A blog can serve as an addition to a writer’s professional portfolio. The content and theme of a blog will influence how well it can be applied to this purpose. If a writer is going to spend the time building a public blog, it serves them well to view it as a true publication. Well written blog posts, articles, commentaries, poems, etc., are valid examples of a writer’s work. If done with portfolio building in mind, blogs can serve as a testimony to a writer’s abilities and professionalism.

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