A Review of SanDisk Cruzer USB Drives

SanDisk Cruzer USB drives are high quality drives that are compatible with most newer versions of Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Drivers available on their web site make the drives compatible with some older versions of these operating systems.

SanDisk Cruzer drives also have their own specific software packages. All of their drives come with their capable password protection software, CruzerLock 2. Their other software products (PocketCache, a backup program and CruzerSync, an Outlook E-Mail synchronization program) must be purchased separately except in the SanDisk Cruzer Titanium.

The SanDisk Cruzer Micro is SanDisk’s smallest USB drive. These drives are quite small (although not as small as Iomega’s Micro-Mini Drive), and come in different bright neon colors, along with the basic silver. These covers and caps are completely replaceable, so that you can constantly update your drive’s physical appearance.

A sturdy drive, the SanDisk Cruzer Micro can fit into most any USB port without blocking adjacent ports. Like all of SanDisk’s Cruzer products, the Cruzer works with USB 2.0 and can reach fairly high speeds. It is available in sizes from 128 Mb up to 2 Gb, at reasonable prices ($25 for the 128 Mb model, $160 for the 2 Gb model).

The next largest of the Cruzer line is the SanDisk Cruzer Mini. A little less than twice the size of the Micro, it is also a standard USB drive with little in the way of frills. However, it is very functional, and is more flexible in terms of size (the SanDisk Cruzer Mini extends from 128 Mb size to a whopping 4 Gb).

Priced similarly to the Micro, it is not going to cost any more money to store your data on a SanDisk Cruzer Mini. It also comes with trial versions of SanDisk’s special USB drive software, the CruzerSync (30 days) and PocketCache (7 days) products.

The king of SanDisk’s Cruzer line of USB products is, however, the SanDisk Cruzer Titanium. The drive lives up to its name: it is almost impossible to break (according to SanDisk, the drive can take pressure up to 2000 pounds!)

The SanDisk Cruzer Titanium now comes in sleek, futuristic looking liqui-metal designs. While a bit larger than the average USB drive, it comes with a retractable USB connector to ensure that you can always plug in the drive.

Besides being perhaps the sturdiest USB drive on the market, it is also one of the fastest, with write speeds of 9 Mb/s and read speeds of up to 15 Mb/s.

With the SanDisk Cruzer Titanium, you also get full versions of all of SanDisk’s USB drive software, including both the PocketCache and the CruzerSync. With these software programs already installed on your drive, you can backup more powerfully with the PocketCache, and synchronize your Outlook E-Mail on a number of different computers quickly and easily with the CruzerSync.

SanDisk Cruzer Titanium only comes in two sizes, 512 Mb and 1 Gb. Prices are a little bit higher than on the Micro and the Mini ($64.99 for the 512 Mb Titanium versus $49.99 for the 512 Mb Mini), but the increase in both speed and durability are well worth it.

Overall SanDisk’s Cruzer USB drives are some of the highest quality drives on the market, and well worth your money if you are looking for a USB drive for your own computing needs.

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