Acerola: Secret Cure for Common Cold

Acerola (malpighia, part of the Malpighiaceae family, or “tropical cherry”) is a large bushy plant that grows to be about 10′-15′ tall. Generally, it likes warm weather so it tends to grow near the W. Indies as well as southern Texas and south of the border. Typically, and very generally speaking, Acerola is not often known as acerola, but instead referred to as Barbados cherry, cereso, or Antilles cherry. Acerola is surprisingly not well known for its nutritional value, but is most commonly used as an ornamental shrub.

Acerola, as unknown as it is, happens to be one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. Approximately 100g of Acerola contains approximately 17,000mg of digestible vitamin C. In addition to the life-sustaining vitamin C, Acerola also contains significant amounts of magnesium, niacin, potassium, and both vitamin B1 and B2. interestingly, the vitamin C in Acerola is at the highest concentration before the fruit is ripened, when it is still green.

When it comes to the common cold, everyone (including the medical world) seems to be pretty stumped. For nearly 50 years, doctors and scientists have been analyzing the common cold to very little avail. The only really concrete fact regarding the aid of the common cold is vitamin C.

As for the treatment of the common cold via Acerola, it’s recommended that 2,000-4,000mg of Acerola be consumed. A surefire product that will deliver is “Vitamin C USP with Acerola.” This will ease symptoms of the cold and shorten the duration of the infection. If you’re taking Tylenol, or any other product containing acetaminophen, Acerola will make the pain relieving tendencies of the drug even more effective by slowing the rate at which the pain reliever leaves the bloodstream while remaining very safe for your body.

Be wary with the intake of vitamin C, however, if you’re not used to taking it daily. Begin taking from 500-1,000mg of vitamin C and slowly up your dosage every few days. This is called finding your “body tolerance”. If you increase the vitamin C intake too quickly, you may experience loose stools, gas, or diarrhea. Also, you must consume 6-8 glasses of water per day.

In addition to aiding and treating the common cold, Acerola also is highly advised for other common ailments such as Aging, Allergies, Angina, Cancer, and the flu.

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