Aspirin Use for Dogs

Aspirin Use for Dogs

Chronic pain or inflammation in adults, associated to arthritis, or joint problems is common in dogs. One in every five adult dogs, in the United States has arthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease. Common signs include: Dog is tired easily or lags behind during a long walk, limps when walking, unable to climb steps or jump, and slow to rise from a sitting position. Adults take aspirin to reduce or eliminate arthritis discomfort, which can be given to dogs, with smaller dosage. Also, effective for treating fever, diseases, and faster recovery time, after surgery. Pain in dogs, may cause increase body temperature, respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. Aspirin can provide pain relief (pain-relieving drugs are analgesics) or good anti – inflammatory relief, but can be very toxic, cause upset stomach or ulcers in dogs or animals. When a dog is bleeding during vomiting, possible indicating, the dog has gastrointestinal upset or ulcer, if dog had taken aspirin. Many young dogs, don’t have the enzymes necessary to process aspirin. Careful dosage is required and supervised by a veterinarian, which can reduce or eliminate, any side effects. The same applies to cats, which can be more serious or deadly. Coated aspirins given to dogs to prevent gastrointestinal problems, does not work well, because half of the time, digestive process in dogs, does not remove or digest the coating off the aspirin, to provide any relief. The aspirin tablet eventually found, whole in the stool.

Aspirin recommended dosage for dogs: five to ten milligrams per pound of a dog’s weight, given every 12 hours. Never give aspirin to a pregnant dog, which maybe harmful to the unborn puppies. Many aspirins contain the ingredients antihistamines or cough suppressants, which is unsafe for dogs or pets. When aspirin is given to a dog, food should always be combined, to reduce any digestive problems. Never substitute aspirin for Tylenol or Advil, which can cause dogs to vomit and stomach ulcers. Always, check with a veterinarian, before you administer aspirin to your dog, and especially if your dog is currently taking a prescribed medication.

According to, June 19, 2002 article “Aspirin unlikely to help dog’s heart murmur,” Dr. John Koch, DVM mentions, dogs do not suffer from coronary artery disease. This disease is treated with daily dose of aspirin in humans, but dogs do not have the same cause of heart failure. When oxygen is deprived to a dog’s heart (oxygenated blood), because of increased excitement or exercise, the dog will briefly faint. The fainting episode, referred to as syncope, will force the dog to rest, while the heart can catch up, supplying oxygen.

Canine Chewable Aspirins

Available for dogs, Chewable Roast beef flavor, Vetrin Aspirin, manufactured by Farman Companies Incorporated. The medication relieves pain, reduce inflammation, muscle strain, and treat fevers for dogs. Recommended dosage: Eight – twelve milligrams for one pound, dog weight every twelve hours. Vetrin chewable available for small and medium dogs: 100 milligram/ 100 tablets, and large breed dogs: 325 milligrams/ 100 tablets, per bottle. Ingredients: Aspirin, natural roast beef & liver flavors, Stearic Acid and Magnesium. Vetrin chewable pain relief is available for sale: Shopping. Com,,, and

Prescribed Palatable NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug) beef and liver flavor chewable aspirin (Microencapsulated) tablet, for dogs. Available for sale in sixty tablets per bottle, and two dosage strengths: 150 milligrams – dosage for a 20 LB dog, and 450 milligrams – dosage for 60 LB dog. The bottles have childproof caps.

Rimadyl is better pain relief or anti-inflammatory medication for dogs, than aspirin. Rimadyl is a veterinarian prescribed pain relief, and reduces inflammation for canines, which have arthritis, orthopedic or pain associated to soft tissue surgery. The medication was approved, for use in the United States, in early 1997. Rimadyl is available in chewable (liver-flavor), caplets (Prescribed to over 10 million dogs) or injectable (Veterinarian administers this medication for arthritis or preventive pain before surgery). Some dogs may experience, while taking medication, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. These side effects, may affect the dog’s digestive track, liver or kidneys.

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