Book Review: Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom

Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom by Todd Wilson is a humorous and helpful guide to the husbands of homeschooling. The book takes you through the Perils of such a union through sage advice that will make your life easier to making sure you meet your needs in the end. Todd Wilson, a former Pastor, homeschooling father, founder of Familyman Ministries knows what he is talking about and delivers his message in a way that will make you both chuckle and think.

The title of the book, Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom, and the introduction chapter seems to be written as a warning to tread lightly. One would assume that it is about being married to a woman gone mad! While the book does have hints of homeschooling leading to bouts of insanity, it also cautions the reader that being a homeschooling dad is a job to be taken seriously.

The first of the following twelve chapters details what the author feels a homeschooling mom and wife needs from her husband. In short, these chapters state the different ways in which she needs help from you, her spouse. The final chapters stress the importance of a relationship with God, and having friends of a like mind for encouragement. Some of a homeschooling dad’s duties include:

� A homeschooling dad needs to help around the house without expecting applause and praise. These duties would include everything from a hand with the housework, to paying the bills, to bathing the kid.

� A homeschooling dad needs to give his wife encouragement in any and all ways possible.

� A homeschooling dad needs to listen (without speaking) and be a sounding board when needed.

� A homeschooling dad needs to supply his wife with money. (This was my favorite chapter)

I recommend that homeschooling moms without a sense of humor not read this book, and that their husbands not read it in her presence. The lighthearted nature of the book takes a few jabs at what homeschooling moms consider sacredâÂ?¦ our sanity. With lines like “the husband of a homeschooling mom is met by a woman who looks like a serial killer waiting for another victim.” Reading or laughing at such a line in your wife’s presence can mark you as next on her hit list.

Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom by Todd Wilson is one of very few homeschooling books written specifically for men. In all it is a good book and perfect for a man to read. After all, it is short.

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