Cell Phone as Modem for Internet Connection While You Travel

Before you get started, you do need to make sure that your phone is ready for its transformation to perform as a modem:
Step 1: Know your Phone
1. Your phone will need to have a data port; check the owner’s manual if you’re not sure what this is
2. Your laptop will need a PC card modem if your phone doesn’t have one built in
3. Make sure you have free long distance, as this may be a lengthy dial-up connection
4. Make sure the phone is web-enabled (most phones after 2005 are)
5. Turn on the analog capabilities, as the phone might need to switch back and forth if you’re on the move
6. Make sure your cell phone provider offers data service and digital voice mail, and double-check for any charges you might incur for extra services
7. Ensure that the data cable is compatible with your laptop; take your phone and laptop to your nearest computer accessories store if needed, or even the cell phone company that may feature a special kit for users like you!
Once your cell phone-modem is ready, you’ll need to check the following:
Step 2: Realistically Speaking. . .
1. Know that you won’t have a super-fast, lightning speed connection from your cell phone, but it will be comparable to a 56K modem or within the 60-80K range
2. Know that you won’t be able to send and receive huge files easily, as the connection may be slow or easily interrupted with the cell phone modem
3. Check your service provider frequently for updates in technology; currently, Verizon Wireless offers a Mobile Office kit with a competitive Access Plan, software, and all the tools to get your notebook going
4. Be sure that your laptop has an appropriate adaptor and PC card in order to connect to the service provider’s data network with ease
5. Try a USB Hub and cable to easily recharge your laptop while on the road. USB cables are easier to travel with, and you won’t be limited to plugging in with an adapter.
Step 3: Connect!
1. Use your browser’s settings to connect via a dial-up connection; you may need to configure and adjust your settings, but you will be dialing in to your local network just as you would from a regular phone
You can definitely use your cell phone as a modem with the right setup and tools; just make sure you know beforehand of any charges, services, and power limits of both your cell phone and service provider. Finally, keep in mind that Customer Support is a great resource for questions!