Columbia College Chicago

One of the finest 4-year universities ever built, Columbia College Chicago houses some of the most artistic instructors and students in the world. As specialists in the Arts & Communications, Columbia College Chicago educates, illustrates and communicates on every level of perfecting your artistic craft. More importantly, Columbia’s instructors work part-time in their specific field; due to their full-time commitments to the field in which they teach. For example, as a Film/Video student; you will work alongside professionals who have played huge roles in the creation of many well-known films on the big screen.
Did you know that the producers/creators of Barbershop are alumni of the Columbia College community.
Many big names have begun their journey at Columbia College Chicago. People such as Josh Liss (Sports Reporter, WBBM Newsradio 780), Robert Teitel (Producer, “Barbershop,” “Men of Honor”), George Tillman, Jr. (Director, “Barbershop,” “Men of Honor”), Andy Richter (Actor, Comedian, “Andy Richter Saves The Universe”), Chester Gregory (Actor, “The Jackie Wilson Story”), Anita Padilla (News Anchor, NBC 5), Charles Carner (Writer/Director/Producer, “Who Killed Atlanta’s Children?” on Showtime; “Cross Fire Trail” on TNT), Janusz Kaminisk( Cinematographer, “Schindler’s List”, “Saving Private Ryan”), Marlon West (Animator, Disney Studios, worked on “Atlantis: The Lost Empire”; “The Lion King”; nominated for an “Annie”, International Animated Film Society’s Award), Teresa Puente (Reporter, Chicago Tribune), Mary Mitchell (Columnist, Chicago Sun-Times), Lee Bey (Deputy Chief of Staff to Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley), Rashid Johnson (Photographer, one-man exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art), Tisha Fulton (buyer, Saks 5th Avenue, New York City), Jon Wellner (Actor, “Return To Gilligan’s Island” on CBS), Ronit Bezalel (Documentary Filmmaker, ‘Voices of Cabrini”, Academy Award Nominee), Steven Gross (Photographer, widely exhibited), Peter Teschner (Film Editor, “Charlie’s Angels”), Jim Mulay ( VP, 1492 Productions, “Harry Potter”), Melissa Pinney (Photographer, Guggenheim Fellow), Margie Cole (Dancer, founder, Colective), Antonio Perez (photographer, Exito magazine; exhibit at Field Museum of Chicago “Los Americos”), Ozier Muhammad (Photographer, Pulitzer-prize winner), Larry Heineman (author, “Paco’s Story”, National Book Award), Don DeGrazia (author, “American Skin”), Tom O’Grady (VP and Creative Director of Creative Services, NBA Entertainment)
(Above list researched via
These exemplary men/women have made a difference in the arts & communications arena. They represent many creative ideas and are icons for many up and coming professionals. Take it from someone who studied alongside some of the greatest writers I have ever known before completing my studies as a Poetry(English) major in December of 2003 and receiving my degree in January 2004. I lived and breathed the craft I studied, due to a collective of great men/women who taught me to persevere in spite of the many pitfalls that stood in my way. I was inspired to continue in honing my craft, despite those who still believe that writers need to stick to jobs that pay more. I am not offended, because writing is my passion. I know that in order to become great at it, like everything else, you must continue to tap into that which draws the dynamic from your belly.
I learned many awesome things from each and every instructor whose path I crossed. I gained insight and intellect from those who took the time to educate me on how to get published and why it is important to embrace rejection. I learned that I would not always accomplish my goal the first time but would have to press on in the face of adversity. Not only did I gain a wealth of knowledge from many great instructors but was told that I inspired them. I completed my studies with 2 children, while maintaining Deans List status.
Columbia College instructors are true to the fields in which they teach. With program offerings in ASL English Interpretation, Management, Academic Computing, Fiction Writing, English/Poetry, Film/Video, Television, Dance, Graphic Design, Art & Design, Arts Entertainment Media, Theater, Radio, Early Childhood Education, Music, Journalism, Audio Arts & Acoustics and Interactive Arts & Media; Columbia gives the artistic student many options. In addition, Columbia offers open mic events, new-student parties, guest visits from prominent writers, producers, singers and business men/women, Dance Africa, Spring Fest and a host of other entertaining events.
I believe in Columbia College because it believed in me. I would recommend this university to anyone seeking an education in the arts & communications. Columbia College is definitely one of the greatest shows on earth!
Some things you should know:
2005/2006 Tuition and Fees can be found at
For Room & Board contact
Undergraduate & Graduate programs are available.
For a tour / admissions info, contact Undergraduate Admissions at 312.344.7130.
Group tours, contact Stephanie Strait at 312.344.7134
Contact Student Financial Services for funding options at 312.344.7235.
Columbia College (direct): 312.663.1600