CrazyTalk Software Video Animation Editing Speaks Volumes

I have worked with several different video editing systems including Adobe and several on Windows, but I have always wanted to join the “Jib-Jab” school of animation. Who wouldn’t want to be able to poke fun at those in power and join the viral video craze? With Reallusion’s CrazyTalk software you can do that and more. Extremely easy to use, this software can make your still pictures talk, and turn those talking stills into greeting cards, IM’s, or allow your local and national officials to look merely stupid.

While the Trial Home Edition of CrazyTalk software is somewhat limited, it is enough to get the gist of this software. Fortunately, the instructions take you step by step on the how-to’s and where-for’s. My first time out I used their prototypes quite successfully after only a mild amount of intimidation. CrazyTalk software does all the tough stuff, gets the eyes to blink (you control the speed) and words form automatically (here, again you control the speed, timbre, tonal quality, etc.).

I then proceeded to import my own image, video, and message into CrazyTalk software. Although I had to download Reallusion’s TTS software for the voice option, this too is quite simple to do from their website.

I chose a rather ambiguous photo of a friend and managed, with little effort, to set the CrazyTalk software controls as specifically as I wanted. Eyes, ears, mouth, etc. can all be shaped and manipulated to fit within a wire frame using a point and drag system, and then can be softened and manipulated until you are satisfied with your image. You can even display emotion on CrazyTalk.

I then recorded some audio onto CrazyTalk, just to check the sound levels. They were quite specific and fell within the range I wanted while still being clear. I finally turned it into an e-mail to myself see how simple it was to export on CrazyTalk (you can also put projects on your web site). The message arrived within 5 minutes completely intact although opening it with the software was a bit of a challenge.

The cost of $44.95 may seem pricey, but if you have ever looked into comparable software or local adult-education classes in this field, Reallusion’s CrazyTalk software is moderately priced in comparison. Each function can be as simplistic or as intricate as you wish. There are tonal, visual, even textural charts to help you in your creativity. You can go as far as your own imagination will take you with a minimal amount of effort. First stop: CrazyTalk and a new slant on your next Christmas Card, next stop: Jurassic Park IV.

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