Creative Writing: The Five Paragraph Essay

Five Paragraph Essays are a tool that allow students to share information they’ve learned. The structure of a five paragraph essay is easy to follow and a quick for students to adapt their writing. They allow students to utilize a specific amount of space, henceforth sharing information in a specific amount of time. Here are three lessons that help students develop their writing within the five paragraph model.

Lesson 1:

Write a five paragraph essay with a focus on conflict. The conflict itself can be written on books that you’ve read or other circumstances that involve conflict. I’ve listed some books below that you have probably read that can be used as a resource.

How is conflict introduced and how is the conflict overcome? If the conflict has not yet been overcome, what are some ways that it could be?

Paragraph one should be an introduction of your topic. Include the title of the book you reference if you are utilizing a book. The introduction paragraph should list three main focal points of your writing.

Each topic should then follow with a paragraph. There should be one paragraph per topic. This should offer basic information about the focal point and if this conflict was resolved.

Your final paragraph should be a conclusion, an overview of your essay and leave the reader with information about conflict.

Five Paragraph Model:

Introduce your three main areas of discussion
Discussion Area One
Discussion Area Two
Discussion Area Three

Your introduction shares the main idea of what your essay is going to be about. Each opening sentence in each paragraph should state the discussion area. The conclusion paragraph reiterates and allows you to close your essay.

The Old Man and the Sea; Ernest Hemmingway; Arrow; 0099908409

The Lord of the Flies
William Golding; Faber and Faber; 0571191479

The Catcher In The Rye (Individual conflicting with society); J.D.
Salinger; Penguin Books; 014023750X

Holes; Louis Sachar; Bloomsbury Children’s Books; 074754459X

The Wind Singer; William Nicholson; Mammoth; 0749744715

Little Soldier; Bernard Ashley; Orchard Books; 1860398790

Bloodtide; Melvin Burgess (only recommended for 15+); Puffin Books;

Weirdo’s War; Michael Coleman; Orchard Books; 186039812X

Across the Barricades; Joan Lingard; Puffin Books; 0140371796

Tank Attack; Penguin Books; Puffin Books; 0140389822

The Woeful Second World War; Terry Deary; Scholastic Hippo;

The Frightful First World War; Terry Deary; Scholastic Hippo;

Kit’s Wilderness; David Almond; Signature; 0340727160

The Other Side of the Truth; Beverly Naidoo; Puffin Books; 141304766

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry; Mildred D Taylor; Puffin Books;

To Kill A Mockingbird; Harper Lee; Arrow; 0099419785

Maus (I and II); Art Spiegelmann; Penguin Books; 0140173153

The Machine Gunners; Robert Westall; Macmillan Children’s Books;

When the Wind Blows; Raymond Briggs; Penguin Books; 0140094199

The Silver Sword; Ian Serrailler; Puffin Books; 0140301461

A Game of Soldiers; Jan Needle; Harper Collins;

Lesson 2:
Conflict arises in many different ways. Conflict is a part of every day life and in every book we read, television show that we watch and movie that we view. Conflict often helps shape a character.

Choose a character that you like and tell me about conflict in their lives. This character can be from a book, movie, or television show.

What was the conflict? How did they react to the conflict? Did the changes from this conflict make the character a better person? What did your character learn from this conflict? Did the outcome of this conflict allow you to learn something? These are some of the questions I’d like you to think about and answer in your response.

This should be no less than one page.

Lesson 3:
Write a five paragraph essay comparing and contrasting two superheroes. An example would be Superman vs. Batman. What makes one superhero better than the other? Do their special powers make them more unique than another? Who is your favorite? All of these questions can be answered within the five paragraph essay. Think about the tools we used in building a character. Is one character stronger than another? If so, why do you feel this way?

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