Don’t Make a Resolution for 2014

As you’re sitting around watching the ball drop this New Year’s Eve, don’t make any resolutions for the year to come. According to, a resolution is an “internal decision to take action.” Let’s be honest, how many times have you resolved to exercise more, eat healthier, quit smoking, spend more time with loved ones or help others? Now, how many times have you followed through?

Every year I’ve made resolutions and every year I’ve fallen through. The most important thing I’ve come to realize is: my New Year’s resolutions were never spur of the moment choices; they were always things I’d thought about doing all year and kept putting off. This year, I’ve decided not to make a resolution. Instead, I will be taking action.

If you’re like me, you already know the steps you need to take to improve your life. Thinking about what needs to be done, even deciding to do something, is not going to make it happen. Take action.

You want to eat healthier- go pick up some fresh produce instead of idly staring at recipes you’d like to try.

You want to get fit- take a few minutes out of your day to go for a jog or try that new exercise you read about in the latest edition of Cosmo.

You want to spend more time with family- make it a priority.

You want to quit smoking- call the QuitLine, get a quit buddy, buy a pack of nicotine gum.

You want to help others- spend the day volunteering, donate your old clothing, pick up an extra burger at that fast food joint you just pulled out of and give it to the homeless man on the corner.

This year, I say: stop thinking and start acting.

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