Five Disadvantages of Vinyl Fences

Vinyl, a material manufactured from a plastic-based substance is commonly used to make fences. Vinyl fencing has numerous disadvantages when compared to wood and chain link fences. Some of these disadvantages include cost, strength, and repair. This article will discuss the disadvantages of vinyl fences.


One of the first disadvantages of vinyl fences is the cost. They are a bit more expensive than a wood or chain link fence. If you have a small budget for your fencing needs, vinyl fences may not be the way to go.


Another disadvantage of vinyl fences is bending. Your fence may bend or become dislodged because of gusts of wind if you live in an area that frequently has high winds. This is due to the fact that the sections of vinyl fences are not securely connected together. Wood and chain link fences are securely connected, so they will have the strength to withstand these high winds. Speaking of bending, this leads to the next point.


Conventional vinyl fences aren’t as strong as other types. It can easily be damaged by hard impacts. Vinyl fences can also become brittle when it is exposed to prolonged sunlight. Besides being weaker than the other types of fences, you may also start to have mildew problems.


Some types of vinyl fences are susceptible to mildew problems. When the fence is exposed to moisture over long periods of time, mildew will start to form on the fence. If you use a sprinkler in your yard, you need to make sure the water doesn’t reach the vinyl fencing.


The last disadvantage of vinyl fences is repair. It is very difficult for the average homeowner to repair the fence properly if it becomes damaged. You may need to call a professional if you need to replace certain sections of your vinyl fencing. This is usually an expensive solution.

These are some of the disadvantages of vinyl fences. They are a bit more expensive than a wood or chain link fence. Vinyl fencing doesn’t have the strength of the other types, and will become brittle when it is exposed to prolonged sunlight. If it is exposed to a lot of moisture, you may start to have mildew problems on your fence. You may also have a hard time repairing your fence if it becomes damaged, so you will have to pay a lot of money for a professional to do the job.

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