Five Reasons to QUIT Smoking Now..

Number One…
Your future…
Quitting smoking now can drastically brighten your future. Save yourself the agony of lung cancer and emphysema. Save your family the grief that would go with your premature death. Smokers are much more likely to die years before nonsmokers.
Number Two…
Your children…
Children of parents who smoke are 75% more likely to become smokers themselves. If they become smokers then their children, your grandchildren will then be 75% more likely to smoke themselves. That would be because your children learned to smoke from you. As parents we don’t want our children to learn this habit because we care so much about them. Shouldn’t we care about ourselves as much, for their sake? If you quit now your children will see and understand that smoking is bad. It is not something you want to do because it damages your health and many times it will cause you to die.
Number Three…
Your pocketbook…
If you haven’t noticed, the cost of a pack or a carton of cigarettes is higher than ever. The cost averages five dollars a pack. Wow. If you smoke a pack a day then that is thirty five dollars per week that you are spending on cigarettes alone. Imagine how much is spent after a month, or a year. I am sure that you have much better things to spend your money on. Maybe a boat? A new vehicle? After five years you’d probably have enough for a down payment on a new house. Do the math. You’d be amazed at how much money is actually spent.
Number Four…
Your appearance…
Women especially. However, men are no exception. Smoking cigarettes will give you wrinkles prematurely. Cigarettes will make your skin tone look dull and ashen. The tar in the smoke will stain your teeth a yellowish color, dimming your smile. Your clothes, hair and hands will smell smokey, repulsing non-smokers nearby. This is not good. No amount of perfume or cologne can hide the way a smoker smells after having a cigarette.
Number Five…
For all of the reasons listed above. Smoking is a terrible habit. Is reduces your chances of a healthy life. It could cause you to die of cancer. Noone wants to die of cancer, especially if they have seen someone who has, watching them deteriorate as the cancer consumed them. Cigarettes are also very costly. Your money could go towards things that would benefit you, not kill you. You could make home improvements or go on vacation after only a few years of saving the money you would have spent on cigarettes. Quitting smoking now is a great choice to make.