Get Some Rest During Your Pregnancy

Being pregnant is a wonder in and of itself. Any woman who has ever experienced the beauty of giving birth will tell you it is something you can never imagine until you experience it firsthand. However, pregnancy is not so beautiful when all you want to do is get some much needed beauty rest. A woman may feel plagued with high emotions and fears throughout the first trimester. Sleep is hard to come by in the second trimester as the woman experiences a need to visit the restroom a couple of times a night and the growing belly worsens the third trimester.

Most pregnant women feel tired much of the time, but have trouble resting at night. It is a wonder that any woman gets any rest at all during pregnancy. However, a good night’s rest is extremely important during this time. A growing baby puts additional strain on the woman and makes sleeping difficult. There are some things that you can do if you are experiencing sleeping problems during pregnancy.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you may feel overly anxious or excited about the baby. It is true that the first twelve weeks of pregnancy are the most important and presents the highest risk for miscarriage. Now that you are pregnant, sleep may be difficult because of the hormones coursing through the body. You may feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster – at one moment, very happy and the next, very sad. When it comes time to get a little shut-eye, you may have dreams or nightmares about the pregnancy. This is perfectly normal. You may also feel that you are having a difficult time getting comfortable at night as your breasts are tender and may even hurt when you lie down. You may also start to experience morning sickness, which is not just for the morning time. This feeling of nausea can happen at any time of the day. If your husband or another child wakes you up very early in the morning, you may have difficulty getting back to sleep because you now feel nauseated.

However, during your first trimester, there are ways you can find some much needed rest. Try to rest and nap anytime you can. If you can catch a 15-minute rest during the day, you will find that you are much more relaxed when night comes. Also, when you get in your bed to sleep and find that you are plagued with worries about your pregnancy, try to find a relaxation technique that works for you. Perhaps reading before going to sleep, mediation or listening to music will help you get your mind off of your worries as you drift off to sleep.

Also, during the first trimester, fight off morning sickness by keeping crackers and water near your bed. Citrus fruits, such as oranges are also known to fight nausea. Have the food handy and before you even set foot on the floor, have a cracker or two. Chances are, you may be able to drift back to sleep after your upset stomach has subsided.

If you find that you are waking up in the middle of the night to make trips to the bathroom, try to stay hydrated throughout the day. Have most of your fluids early so your bladder will not be full near bedtime. In addition, have easy access to the bathroom so you do not have to stumble around in the middle of the night. Keep the bathroom fully stocked (ever had to locate a roll of toilet paper at 2 a.m.?) and turn on a nightlight so you can make a quick trip without turning on every light in the house.

The first trimester is also a good time to get your body used to sleeping in different positions. If you are a stomach sleeper, you will need to get used to sleeping on your side. The same goes for sleeping on your back. Use a body pillow to put between your knees for added comfort.

The second trimester of pregnancy is generally a little more relaxing than the first and last trimester. The biggest risk of miscarriage has now passed and you are able to relax knowing your pregnancy is progressing well. Also, many women find that they now have less morning sickness and even some have more energy than before. However, many women start having a harder time getting rest and sleeping because of her growing figure. Your breathing may become more shallow and heartburn and leg cramps start showing up at night.

To get some rest during the second trimester, you may find that you can help subside or avoid heartburn by avoiding fatty, spicy and fried foods. This is especially true for the meal closest to bedtime. If you eat smaller meals throughout the day, you will also be less likely to suffer from heartburn and indigestion. If you still find that you have heartburn, use a pillow to elevate your head. Also, an antacid, such as Tums, is great for relieving heartburn. These antacids are completely safe throughout pregnancy. They are also good for fighting off leg cramps. When do you do drift off to sleep, you may find that you wake up feeling uncomfortable. Try to find a sleeping position that works for you and your growing belly. Sleep on your side with your knees bent. Take pressure off your lower back by propping pillows under your knees, stomach and your back.

Now comes the third trimester of your pregnancy. You will find yourself tired much of the time. You are gaining weight and have an expanding waistline. Now more than ever, you will find that it is much more difficult to get good rest during this time. Your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder more during this time and you will wake up two or three times a night to use the restroom. You will find that the baby will start to wake you, as he or she starts moving more inside the womb. Lower back pain can also cause sleepless nights. If you have never snored before, now is the time your husband may wake you up because you are snoring louder than him.

When you are in your third trimester of pregnancy, you can help yourself get some much-needed rest by following the above tips. Sleep on your left side. This decreases snoring and allows for good blood flow to the baby and your uterus. Body pillow between your knees will also help you get comfortable. You have probably been taking prenatal vitamins, but did you know that potassium can help decrease those annoying leg cramps. Also, an iron deficiency can cause restless leg syndrome, which can affect your sleep during the night.

Now is the time when you need a good night’s rest. The baby will be here soon and you can be certain that you will not be sleeping well. Do what you can to make sure that you are not sleep deprived when your baby arrives. In addition, make sure you are enjoying this wonderful time in your life.

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