Give Your Mom the Mother’s Day Gift of Home Improvement: DIY Ideas

Mother’s Day is the best time to show your mother just how much you love her and how much you appreciate all that she has done for you. Cards, candy and flowers are all wonderful gifts, but let’s face it: They don’t last very long.

Why not give your mother a Mother’s Day present that she’s not soon to forget? Home improvements are always needed, no matter where you live. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a home makeover? Painting, and remodeling can be very costly, but with a little creativity, and personal touches, you can change a room with out having to call out a demolition team. You might even be amazed at how much difference small touches make in a home. Here are just a few idea’s that will help get you started, and hopefully inspire you.


Why just give your mother a bouquet of flowers, when you can give her a garden to cherish. Plant roses, daisies, and other colorful plants for your zone. Check with your local nursery to see what flowers are native. Native flowers will grow better, and attract butterflies, and birds. If your lucky enough to have an area 5′ X 10′ you can create a little sanctuary, and maybe even add a bench. If not, you can line the driveway, walkways, or any other place that can be enjoyed such as around the mailbox with colorful flowers. If you do not have land to work with, consider building a patio garden. You can find a wonderful assortment of plants, and flowers that grow beautifully on a patio in decorative containers.


You can find small tables, glass tops, and table cloths inexpensively at any discount store such as Walmart. The table’s have 3 screw in legs and usually cost around $5.00 each. The round glass tops that fit the tables are sold separate and also cost around $5.00 each. There is a variety of table cloths made to fit these tables which run between $5.00 – $15.00 each depending on the design. If your handy with sewing you can make your own custom table cloth as well. To make these little tables priceless, simply screw the legs on, and place the table cloth over the table. Next, arrange a variety of pictures on top of the table cloth that will bring your mother good memories every time she looks at it. Pictures of you and your siblings growing up, brings back unforgettable memories, that she will cherish. Once you have the photo’s arranged the way you like, place the glass top over them. This will protect her precious memories from getting damaged. These tables are great for bedside tables, end tables, or just a small table to place a vase on.


You can give an old bedroom a face lift just by changing the bedding, and the curtains. Bed-In-A-Bag’s can be found almost anywhere bedding is sold. A Bed-In-A-Bag usually consist of pillow cases, shams, dust ruffle, top & fitted sheet, and a comforter. While your at it pick up a few new pillows. Giving a bed a make over will cost you between $35 – $100 if you shop at discount stores like Walmart or K-Mart. However, a bed makeover changes the way the room looks, and allows for a peaceful nights rest. You can also add curtains, to freshen up the windows. If your not sure what your mother likes, stick with light neutral colors, and you can’t go wrong.


What would Mother’s Day be without a piece of art to display. Using pictures of yourself, and your siblings, you will be able make a wonderful art gallery. All you need is several picture frames. The frames do not all need to be the same, but try to stick with the same pallet. Example: You can use 10 different types of wooded frames, all naturally stained, all different colors of wood (Oak, Maple, Etc…), and all in different sizes. However, you do not want 8 wooden frames, and 2 bright red ones. Once you have your frames, and your photo’s in place, hang them on the wall. Make sure you do not hang them in a straight line, but rather stagger them out.

There are many simple home improvement projects that you can add to your DIY present as well such as:
Paint the mailbox
Paint the front door
Replace old faucets with new ones
Shampoo the carpet
Cover old furniture with slip covers
Refinish old cabinets
Paint a room
and so on.
Or if your really crafty, you can completely remodel a room from top to bottom, or re-tile the bathroom. Regardless of what you do your mother will love it. And do you know why? Because you did it. After all your perfect, as your a part of her.

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