God Pervades All Things

As I sat among the emerald, silky-smooth grass and enormous oak trees that inhabited my secret place of contemplation, I pondered the meaning of my existence. On this day, I was particularly full of despair and truthfully didn’t know if I desired to go on with my life anymore. I was seeking confirmation from the omnipotent power that supposedly existed beyond human beings. My life at the moment was not going the way I had imagined life to be and felt helpless and hopeless for things to ever improve. It just seemed easier to give up on my hopes and dreams of peace and happiness, rather than struggle in a seemingly meaningless existence filled with endless pain and suffering. I needed help and I need at this moment. I was sinking down into, what felt like an endless void, and I couldn’t escape.

My thinking turned within and I began to feel an intense pain within my heart, so intense that it seemed as if it was burning through my skin. Tears began to cascade down my cheeks and it appeared to me that I was at my end, giving up all hope for any genuine happiness and tranquilly in my life. There didn’t appear to be any hope in life and my faith was nearly exhausted. All I truly desired to do at that moment was to curl up in the fetal position and embrace my poor aching heart that continued to scorch my internal being. This pain was too intense, I could not go on like this anymore, and I clearly needed a miracle to rise from this state of helplessness and devastation of my soul.

What can I possibly do? I didn’t have an answer and I truly believed that there was no answer contained within the entire universe. I was utterly and completely beaten down and had no solution to help me climb my way out of this torturous existence. My mind continued to confirm my hopelessness. It expressed to me that there was nowhere to turn, no one to help, and no possible way to transform or escape this feeling of infinite misery.

Suddenly, I became aware of this silent, tranquil, yet powerful whisper. It did not come from my mind; it permeated my entire being. It commenced in my heart and subsequently traveled throughout my body. This whisper suggested for me to ask God for a miraculous sign. To this day, I remain baffled that I listened to this direction, but fortunately, I did. I communicated with God while gazing up into the azure sky that surrounded me. I said, “God if you exist, if you are out there, please show me your existence. I’m hopeless and need confirmation of your omnipresence and your faith in me.” I sat in a daze for a few moments, exhausted from the emotional turmoil pervading my internal being.

Then, there it was my sign of God’s existence, sensually flying toward me. A magnificent, vibrant, multicolored bird miraculously landed before me. This beautiful creation gracefully strolled around me, gazing in my eyes, silently communicating the message of life. Its gaze provided proof to me that GOD was sending me a sign to lift me out of my despair and to guide me along the honorable path of the spirit. This bird remained in close proximity for quite some time. I’m not exactly sure how long it was, but it felt like a bliss-filled eternity. This message transformed my life and intimately connected me to the source of all creation.

This enlightening experience occurred about six years ago and from that moment on my life has never been the same. Each moment, of each day I bask in the illumination of God and the miraculous beauty that exists in the totality of the universe. I have never again questioned God’s existence and I’m able to see the presence of GOD in everything around me. Most importantly, I can see and feel GOD within my being. I have come to realize that there is an extraordinary and powerful force that connects everything in life. If we choose to make this connection to this source, we will know love, peace, and tranquility in our lives. We will contain the power to transform the Universe and help in the evolution of humankind. God is there for us at all times, the secret is to know this, feel this, believe this and connect to this powerful source each moment of our lives.

Richard A. Singer Jr. is a practicing psychotherapist living in the Cayman Islands. He is formerly of Pennsylvania and has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and is currently working on his Doctorate Degree. His daily inspirations have been included as part of Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul, from the best selling Chicken Soup series. He has recently released his new book, “Your Daily Walk with the Great Minds of the Past and Present” and signed a contract for a second edition to be released in Feb. 2007. His own recovery from addiction and depression impassioned him to help others find courage, determination and peace, and has made what some would call “work” the love and purpose of his life.

To learn more about Mr. Singer and explore updated information, visit his Web site http://www.yourdailywalk.org or E-Mail him at RAS9999@aol.com In addition, please join the author for interactive discussions about the suggested monthly readings, daily quotes, meditations, and journaling sections of the book on his Amazon.com Blog.

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