Guide to Adding and Removing Sub-Domains

There are many reasons why you may want to create a sub-domain, you could create someone a small site and just put it on your domain, or you may want to put a forum on a sub-domain. Whatever your reason may be, adding and removing sub-domains can be done fairly easy.

Adding a Sub-Domain

Step 1 – Login to your C-panel. Make sure you login to the site that you wish to add the sub-domain to.

Step 2 – On the C-panel interface page click that link that says Subdomains.

Step 3 – On the Sub Domain Maintenance page you will need to type in what you want your sub-domain to be called. For example,

Step 4 – Click Add.

The next page will tell you that you have successfully created your new sub-domain.

Removing a Sub-Domain

Step 1 – Login to your C-panel.

Step 2 – Click on Sub-Domains.

Step 3 – At the bottom of the page you will see your sub-domain and beside it will be a Delete button. Simply click the Delete button and that will remove the sub-domain.

The next page will tell you that you have successfully deleted the sub-domain and it will give you the name of the sub-domain that you deleted.

You also have the option of Redirecting your sub-domain. For example, when you type in you can make it where it will actually carry you to

You can redirect it to any page that you wish. To set up the Redirection, follow the steps below.

Step 1 – Login to your C-panel.

Step 2 – Click on Sub-Domains.

Step 3 – On the Sub Domain Maintenance page you will see in the middle of the page where it says Setup Redirection. Select the Sub-Domain that you want to redirect and click Setup Redirection.

Step 4 – In the redirection field, type in the URL that you want the sub-domain to be redirected to. For example if you wanted it redirected to a forum, type in

Step 5 – Then click Save.

Now you have redirected that page. Make sure that the page you redirect it to is a working page or you will get and error when you type in the URL in the browser.

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