Help Your Children Understand Their Asthma

Asthma is something that affects people worldwide, and yet many people find it hard to understand. What usually occurs during a typical asthma attack, is that a tightness occurs in the chest. Then wheezing and coughing, as they struggle to breathe. Some persons always have the symptoms, although they differ in severity. According to many doctors it is caused when the air is channeled into the lungs through the bronchial tubes. In many children who have asthma it is often triggered by an allergic reaction. Although some doctors feel that an attack can be triggered by an infection, an emotional upset, or a severe allergic reaction to something.

Once the disease has been triggered in a person, there may be several antigens, or specific substances, that will produce an oversensitivity in the bronchial tubes. And once the bronchial tubes are sensitized to these, other factors, such as temperature changes, varying humidity, emotional upsets, or exercise, may also cause attacks. Doctors may also be able to identify some of the antigens that bring on an asthma attack, but it is not often possible to find all of them. And even when they are found, it is not always possible to avoid them. Thorough investigation to find the causes of asthma and the best way to manage it may take time. It may involve much patience on the part of the sufferer and the doctor. The more time spent will likely result in greater ability to control symptoms.

There are several things that your children can do to prevent attacks. Since there are many that irritate the lungs and can provoke an attack in an asthma sufferer, here is a list of several things that you may want to avoid. Some of those are, tobacco smoke, temperature and humidity, emotional stress and fatigue are just a few things that can cause an attack. If your child does suffer from this problem then both you and your child’s teacher will need to understand, so that it can be managed properly.

Your child’s physical activities will preferable have to be noncompetitive depending on how severe their condition is. A child with chronic asthma for example may only be able to enjoy limited activity. Physiotherapy is a very good aid in helping your asthmatic child breathe properly, using the diaphragm and will show them how to ease shortness of breath. A therapist will also be able to teach your child how to relax, use good posture, and different types of exercises that will help to keep the condition under control. Treatment will vary from person to person and only your doctor will be able to recommend what is best.

Treatments can also include the use of drugs. But as with all drugs, there is the possibility of side affects. You will definitely want to make sure you take the time to go over all of the information given to you by the doctor with your child. They need to know and understand what can happen if they do not follow their doctors instructions.

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