Highly Ranked Healthegoods Blogger Ben Lynch Gives Interview

Healthegoods.com is one of the top-rated health-related blogs on the internet now. It is informative, entertaining, and eye appealing. This is my interview with the author and popular naturopathic student/blogger, Ben Lynch. Blogger Ben Lynch has a very diverse background. It includes working with Mother Teresa in India, and working as a ranch hand in Australia. He is inspiring to those wishing to seek a healthier lifestyle.

1) I noticed that May 2005 was your first posting on Healthegoods.com. Was that when you started your blog? Why did you start it?

a. Yep – first posting and first time I’ve ever operated a blog. I started it as a resource for people to locate reliable natural health information. There is a ton of natural health information out there that is not only bogus but dangerous. I wanted a safe place for people to come and learn some basic health tips.

2) What results have you obtained from your blog? What would you like to share with my readers?

a. Likely all the above but the feedback I’ve received via email is all positive. People likely read, have an opinion and do not share it for numerous reasons. I do wish people would email me if they do not agree with my thoughts and actually at one point a MD did. That correspondence was useful and is included in the blog also.

Ã?· I pretty much post all comments if they are not spam. Ive received some incredible emails – one woman was infertile and she claimed it was my blog which got her pregnant. Needless to say, I was smiling ear-to-ear and quite pleased for her.

b. Some comments I have received from my readers:

Interesting!! So far, all through my life I was led to believe otherwise. Thanks for posting another side to give one an opportunity to ease ailments by changing something so simple. – to this post: http://www.healthegoods.com/2005/12/eating-and-drinking-dont-mix.html

c. I wish you all the best for your adventures and wherever they lead. There is a buzz of enthusiasm in your words which is really warming, considering that your vision will be of great benefit to the people of the planet!

d. Thank you for your kindness and commitment to health.

e. You have one very cool business – your website is very well done

f. I just found your website and will bookmark it for future reference. Thank you for taking the time to create this resource. My question: Will you please move to Fort Myers, Florida? Or do you at least know any other naturopathic physicians in this area? 🙂

g. Dear Ben,

We have always been grateful that you are a recurring donor to EWG, but
we are also grateful for all the EWG information you disseminate via
your blog. Nice post today highlighting our “animal testing” letter!

We also saw that some of your “popular posts” include EWG research on
farmed salmon, pesticides in produce, and our Body Burden testing.

Many thanks for helping us get the word out.

h. Thank you so much for responding. I understand that you really can’t prescribe or diagnose but direction is always good. I’ll continue to read your blog and website and I’ll certainly be in-touch with you when you are able to diagnose and prescribe.

i. Etc�and the best for last:

1) Your article was very informative. I can tell that you actually care AND you know what you’re talking about. What a rare combination to find in one person….mmmm…are you married??
Do you like tall, healthy brunettes???

3) Your profile states you became interested in naturopathic healing while in India. Could you embellish upon this?
a. Yep. To elaborate – it was Ayurvedic medicine to which I was exposed but that alternative medicine experience led me to hunt for a respected degree here in the states – i.e. ND

4) How’d you like being a cowboy in Australia? What stands out in your mind about this experience?
a. Loaded question – best job ever in my life.

5) You mentioned on Healthegoods.com that you are interested in hydrotherapy. How would you describe this treatment to your readers?
a. It is the treatment of any disorder using water as the treatment – whether it be hot, cold, neutral. The vast array of treatments possible using water is unbelievable. Ever heard of Father Kneipp? Or Dr Kellog MD? Or Dr OG Carroll MD? They were huge users and proponents of hydrotherapy.
b. It is inexpensive and highly effective for numerous conditions – that is why I love it – it is my wish to have a huge hydrotherapy facility with a large team of doctors and residents so we can treat the masses. As it stands now, naturopathic medicine seems to be truly the medicine for the rich. Not my desire.

9) What do you foresee for your blog? (writing a book, etc.)
Ã?· I will keep sharing basic health tips with my readers. I’ll also keep adding items to my blog for my readers to purchase. And, I’ll keep writing in my blog for as long as there is an interest!

Thanks again for your time and assistance, Ben. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors!

Visit Ben’s highly rated blog titled Healthegoods at www.healthegoods.com.

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