Homeschooling in Alabama

Homeschooling is allowed in every state in the U.S., but rules still exist in each state. Understand and follow the rules for homeschooling in Alabama.

Most states ask for parents notify the local school district of intention to homeschool, attendance records are typically required as well. (I have yet to have a day when my children were not present in our homeschool since they live here). In addition to attendance, a minimum of hours per day or year are required. Some states require detailed forms be filled out saying precisely what will be taught. Other states ask for summaries. Standardized testing is also a key item in most states homeschool laws.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½ Alabama’s laws are a bit different from other states in this regard.

While each state has distinct laws and requirements for homeschooling, few require that you present these details to the school board (though some do). You must still, keep the records as you may be required to show them should someone accuse you of educational neglect. In addition, you will want to build a portfolio of your child’s work and accomplishments for college admissions. Keeping these records are good for Alabama homeschoolers, but not to present to the state.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½ The state of Alabama has unique church school laws and a lack of homeschool laws in general. While homeschooling is legal in Alabama, the state does not recognize homeschooling as a separate legal option.

In Alabama, most homeschoolers find “covering” or “umbrella” church schools which to administer their homeschooling programs. This way your child technically “goes to a school”. You can create establish your own school if your wish, but the work would be comprehensive at the least. Your other option is to use a private certified tutor. In short, it would be fair to say that the state of Alabama does not trust its residents to homeschool their children.

There is not need to worry over this; however, as you should have no problem finding an umbrella school that meets your needs regardless of whether you need tight structure of great flexibility. In fact, many homeschoolers comment that Alabama actually has no homeschool laws with the exception that the child is under the care of some Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½school’ or hired individual.

Links to umbrella schools in Alabama can be found on, in the homeschooling category. Some of them are:�¯�¿�½

Alabama Independent Church School Association
North Alabama Christian School
East Lake United Methodist Church Academy
Outlook Academy
Day Spring Academy/High School
Calvary School
Contemporary Education Academy
Covenant Academy
Forest Hill Christian School
Franklin School
Pathways Academy

Find out about homeschooling in New York, Georgia, and other States on my content page.

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