How to Build a Magic Kit

Getting you magic kit preparationready.
The first thing you need to do before building a magic kit is to take a look at all your tricks. What type of tricks will you be performing? If they’re mostly slight of hand tricks, then you’ll need smaller objects exclusive to those tricks. If you’re doing big elaborate stunts, then you’ll need not only the objects for those tricks, but also tools to keep up with maintenance as well as safety tools.

Slight of hand magic kit.
When making a kit for slight of hand, you’ll want the specific items for each trick. It’s best to keep multiple copies of each item, as well. For instance, you’ll want more than a few decks of cards. If word gets out that you use only one deck of cards for all your tricks, your audiences may get suspicious. It’s best to use a new deck not only for each show. Let the audience see you open the pack (or even have a member of the audience open it). You’ll want decks of different colors (many tricks have cards changing colors), as well as different sizes (it’s always fun to have a deck of giant cards handy).

There are many miscellaneous slight of hand objects to have in your kit. These include (but aren’t by any means limited to) coins, billiard balls, brass rings, scarves/handkerchiefs, and rope. You might also want a magic wand and top hat, as there are tricks that utilize each.

Big magic trick kit.
The big tricks are the large scale just-for-stage tricks. These include things like making objects disappear, cutting people in half, and escaping from a trunk. Some of the things you’ll need are mirrors, saws and other sharp objects, locks and keys. Anything else that you decide to utilize is welcome too.

You’ll also need items to build your stunts, so have plenty of wood, nails and screws, hand tools and power tools.

Keeping up maintenance on your magic kit.
Tricks, especially the big ones, can break down and need fixing. Make sure that you have plenty of building materials such as nails and tools with which to fix them. Paint can also be useful in restoring a trick that’s been used frequently. You’ll also want oil to keep the blades clean and locks in working order.

Safety first with your magic kit.
When performing large scale (and large risk) tricks, safety should always be your biggest concern. This is why you should practice all your tricks many times. Some items to keep handy for safety purposes include a fire extinguisher, an oxygen tank, a first aid kit, a hammer, and spare keys for all locks.

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